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She was deceptive but why?

Tagged as: Friends, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (27 September 2024) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A female United States age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I’m not sure how to proceed. I met another female through work and we started talking and in a way developed a sort of friendship. We would often text outside of work and I felt we had things in common which is what helped me become closer and want to continue being friends with her

However recently I found out in some ways she was pretending/lying about things. She made it seem she was lonely without many friends and that she felt unattractive. She also made it seem she was basically all work and didnt socialize with others outside of that due to her boundaries. She even talked about a guy she was dating

The reality is she has always and continues to go out regularly drinking with a group of employees. She is very well liked and has a ton of friends or people she could hang out with. Also based on what has been said she is likely a lesbian.

None of this matters to me except the fact that I feel she was deceptive and misleading to me. I’m unsure or if it would be helpful to kind of address it with her or just forget about the “friendship “ completely. I’m unsure why she would lie

View related questions: lesbian, text

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