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Mystery girl..should I send her a message on facebook?

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Question - (17 December 2010) 2 Answers - (Newest, 17 December 2010)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Alright this will prob sound very teenage girlish of me, but what the hell im a 20 yr guy that needs advice.

so i broke up with my first girlfriend(of about a yr) about a month ago. The is a this girl that was in a couple of my classes in college that was really pretty and i had wanted to meet her to find out if she was nice too and maybe ask her to coffee or something. The only problem is that its the end of the semester and i dont know if she is in any of my classes next semester. So i posted on a an inter campus anonymous missed connection sight what she was wearing on the last day of classes and that i though she was really beautiful and that i wanted to know if she was single. He roommate saw this and began to talk with via this sight and told me she has a Bf but he is a dick, they all hate him, and that they break up every other day. She also asked me to describe myself because there was a boy in our class she was talking about and she believed it was me because she was in my class too. i day later another friend of mine tells me that the girl was asking if any of her friends knew me cus she heard i was talking about her. So i friend requested her on facebook and she accepted. She never appears to actually spend any time on facebook tho. So my question is this...Am a stupid to maybe think that she would be interested in me? Should i send her a message on FB? If so, what should I say? Should I just wait to see what next semester brings? Should i get a life and forget this whole thing?

View related questions: broke up, facebook, roommate

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A male reader, TimmD United States +, writes (17 December 2010):

TimmD agony auntWell are you interested in her or not?

You either send a message to her or you don't. If you do and she rejects you, fine... at least you tried. However, if you don't message her, then what? You'll never know. She may actually WANT to hang out with you.

The point I'm trying to make? Just do it. You're never going to get the girl if you play it safe. Send her a message saying hi and if you get a positive response, ask her out for a cup of coffee like you were thinking.

Don't over think the whole thing. You're just going to freak yourself out and probably not do it. Don't think about it. JUST DO IT. Right now. Seriously... send a message to her saying hi.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (17 December 2010):

I would send her a fb message just saying hi, wonder if we will be doing the same classes next semester? Keep it light and brief, don't suggest meeting up. It is dripping your toe in the water. No harm in that. See how she respondes.

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