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Looking for risks without putting it all on display

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Question - (9 September 2024) 1 Answers - (Newest, 11 September 2024)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, anonymous writes:

This is a question for females thanks. My husband and I (40’s) are going on a beach holiday soon. He likes me to wear more revealing bikini’s when we are on vacation as he says nobody we know will see me and the kids aren’t around. He bought me some wicked weasel bikinis which are quite sheer and when they are wet they are completely transparent. I’m not sure I want to wear them in public, not because I don’t have the body for them but because I feel as though others might stare. Are there other bikinis which aren’t as revealing out there but show may be just a hint of nipple when wet. I’m bald down there so less concerned about the bottoms. Looking for riske but not putting it all on display.

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A female reader, EmmyApple United States +, writes (11 September 2024):

Definitely check out Adore Me!! Lots of great options there! They are my favorite for bikinis because they’re one of the few brands that is actually size inclusive - they offer great plus sized options up to 4XL for us bigger girls :)

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