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How can I interest him? How can I tease him?

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (28 March 2011) 1 Answers - (Newest, 29 March 2011)
A female United Kingdom age 26-29, anonymous writes:

I'm in love with a guy, but I don't know if he likes me.

Once we were working together and I asked him for some help, he came over and said I'll get up for you, not anyone else ;) and then he said look you made me get up now and looked at himself then back at me. I didn't know what to do!

Another time we were in a meeting and he was stood sat next to me. I sat playing with my hair and he watched me. Then I looked at him and he just looked down at himself again.

Whenever I talk to him he smiles, and we often have a few jokes together.

He has the most gorgeous smile, and he's so sweet.

I just don't know what he thinks of me. I don't want to ask because I would look a fool :S

Is there any way of telling if he likes me too?

How can I interest him? How can I tease him???

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A female reader, suteishii United Kingdom +, writes (29 March 2011):

Basic body language signs-

"Preening" Does he fidget with his appearence? Maybe fix his hair or his shirt or something?

His body language in general would be very open- no arms across the chest. Look for open palms when he gestures.

Pupil dilation- when we're attracted to someone the adrenaline causes our pupils to dilate.

Eye contact, 3-5 seconds +

Some say that if his feet points towards you, that that's a good sign.

Hope that helps

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