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Does she want to be friends again?

Tagged as: Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 July 2024) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A female United States age 22-25, anonymous writes:

I was joking with some coworkers about a female friend sexuality because she is single and some people assume she’s lesbian by jow she dresses etc. I feel bad because she is/was my friend but some of the comments were funny

I don’t know if she is or not but she found out I was as a part of it and ended our friendship. She said something about needing space but eventually she seems to want to talk and be around me again. I asked if she wanted to be friends again and she said yes. However we no longer work together and when I have texted or send emails she has given no response. So I wonder if she is still upset or if she said yes and didn’t mean it or she changed her mind. I enjoyed talking with her and being friends which is the reason I care -okay and I feel bad about everything

View related questions: co-worker, lesbian, text

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