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Mixed feelings about the break up

Q.   Me and my boyfriend broke up for a week so i could think about everything. I have been having mixed feelings for him for about 2 months. I did cry when we broke up but i'm not crying now but i still do think about him. Does this mean i do care and ...

A.   13 August 2006: I'm going through the same apart from its my man who ended it but he keeps telling everyone things like if anyone hurts her ill kill them and saying he doesnt deserve me i think your still confused but i think you love him but you need to talk ... (read in full...)

He wants some time apart, but he doesn't want to lose me, either...

Q.   Hello, I have been hurting lately. I don't know how to cope with this and I don't know what to do. Well I was living with my boyfriend, but a few weeks ago he broke up with me. He says he needs his space. He said he has been hurting for a while. H...

A.   13 August 2006: ive been there in that situation im in it now to be honest you need to tell him that your not gonna wait round forever and give him a time as to how long hes got like say a month? and if he does love u he shouldnt be texting other girls unless there ... (read in full...)

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