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*onfused_Kitty agony aunt


Canada  (Female   XML/RSS

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*onfused_Kitty's Ratings

Found a small painful lump on my armpit. What could it be?

Q.   hi ive recently been having a pain under my arm that started like 2 days ago and ive just found a lump in my armpit. its small but painful if i press it. what could this be? i cant get a doctors appointment before i go on holiday in 2 days time and ...

A.   26 May 2007: It could be a blocked sweat gland. Of course, it could be the unspeakable but that isn't usually painful. Stop touching it and wait to see your doctor. There is no point in worrying about it right now. No point but hard to do I know. Ask your doctor ... (read in full...)

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