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What do you think about this?

vina_101vina_101, posted over a year ago

Is it fair to say that agony aunts who do not speak/type very good english should not be allowed to give advice?

Because I have come accross one such person whose English was not very good at all. But I guess Andrew has deleted him now seeing as he was supposedly a scammer. But it was quite annoying reading through the bad grammar and spelling and wrong use of words.

I'm not being snobbish or anything but... Wouldn't you find it annoying? I also noticed that this person's ratings were very poor (maybe that had something to do with it). I mean fair enough if you make the odd typo here and there or spell a word wrongly or something (because no one is perfect) but... to the point where you read it and it becomes obvious that the person doesn't speak good English and to the point where you don't really understand what the person is trying to say. Wouldn't you find it annoying?

Posted on 20 January 2007 @ 21:56 (London time) - permalink
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DearCupidDearCupid, posted over a year ago

My view is that if the advice is clearly rubbish and can't be understood, it should not be approved.

Posted on 20 January 2007 @ 23:18 (London time) - permalink
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katzkittenkatzkitten, posted over a year ago

well wat do you you mean slang (ie. if ya wnt my adive i wud say dat...) or just bas spelling in general, as slang is a quick and easy way to type, making people have more time etc. etc.

Posted on 21 January 2007 @ 18:11 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

For some people; it is hard to discern another's point of view or advice when reading posts that have slang in them as well as spelling errors.

Let's face it, English in written form must follow a certain guideline-that whole consider your audience and write for them.

Writing on Dear Cupid would be considered a General Audience and must include good spelling, good grammar and punctuation, so that the idea is better conveyed/expressed and therefore the meaning is not lost on the audience.

For those who are avid readers and who enjoy writing, it does become difficult to read slang as it is usually spelt as if it were an "under educated level" person and with this; meaning can be lost and confusion enters.

Also on the other hand, for some who do not enjoy reading and lack certain level of spelling, grammar, and punctuation...those who practice good English writing skills will come across as superior and advice will be tuned out as a person may assume that they are insensitive and unaware of the real world.


So one can still write and respond to a post and still avoid high polluting sounding words such as "copasetic" instead of "doing just fine".

Usually directness and with "everyday" usage of words...a point can be made and the audience still benefits.

Also since there are a variety of Aunts and Uncles giving their opinions and advice...I believe that someone, somewhere is getting help.

It all works out.

Posted on 21 January 2007 @ 19:17 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

I think there is also a difference between 'bad' English and text type know the gr8t/u/r/stuff like that. I also hate the stuff in capitals all the way thru...

Posted on 22 January 2007 @ 0:41 (London time) - permalink
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vina_101vina_101, posted over a year ago

I didn't mean slang talk (evn tho dat iz annoyin' @ tymz) I meant bad grammar. For example: "Your boyfriend very much love you and you not leave him because I say he is good man. I hope this is help you"

LOL. Bad English. You get what they're trying to say but...a lot of brian power is used up to understand it. I could be using my brain and my time to be doing other things. :)

Posted on 22 January 2007 @ 1:4 (London time) - permalink
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stinastina, posted over a year ago

"Your boyfriend very much love you and you not leave him because I say he is good man. I hope this is help you" LOL!

Yeah, I agree with you about that - I always try to fix up posts like this. Sometimes it's so bad that I can't even understand it, so I have no choice but to unapprove the question/answer.

I also sometimes try to spruce up slang posts because I think it's *SO* annoying to read. At first I was all confused because some of the slang is, like, "english" sounding (as opposed to "american" sounding. lol). I try not to delete them, though, unless the poster really doesn't have any valid points. I figure there are others like me, as well, and I don't want the person to not get any advice because their post was too annoying, you know?

Posted on 22 January 2007 @ 18:7 (London time) - permalink
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vina_101vina_101, posted over a year ago

Yeah Stina you know where I'm coming from. :) I feel like a school teacher marking an essay. lol. I end up translating the whole thing until the person who originally wrote it might not recognise it. But when I'm feeling lazy I just don't bother to approve it or leave it to someone else. I shouldn't really do that but... oh well.

Posted on 22 January 2007 @ 21:19 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago it just sounds like we are being bullies with picking on others over them lacking certain English writing skills.

Lets pick on some other group. : P

Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 1:37 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago


Which do you propose we pick on then? *D

Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 6:46 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

But if we pick on those people with bad English grammer then we ARE bullies aren't we? If it uses a lot of brain power and it seems to be too much then just let somebody else help that particular questioner.

Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 8:27 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

**no picking on wombats!**

Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 8:27 (London time) - permalink
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NikitaNikita, posted over a year ago

I do think we have to be careful because obviously some people don't have a good grasp of English grammer but they still have, mostly, valid points and problems that need answering and we don't want to put them off posting altogether. I think we should pick on Martini instead, heh heh, just so he can rant. I like your rants Martini.;)

Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 9:55 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Unless your under 10 years old, It's not difficult to not write in kiddie text speak.

I find it very annoying and don't ever approve something I can't read.


Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 11:30 (London time) - permalink
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David LewisDavid Lewis, posted over a year ago

I do find bad spelling very annoying, although I can sort of cope with the text talk, I would prefer not to approve it.

The thing that mainly annoys me is when the question or answer is written completely in caps. There are some very good replies, but I hate approving them if written in this way. There have been a few occasions where I have completely re-written the answer in standard format, because the answer was really good.

Maybe a reason for rejection can be added for questions written in caps??

Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 12:36 (London time) - permalink
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WendygWendyg, posted over a year ago

I hate the text speak, some of it is legible but it takes ages to read and some of it I still cant make head nor tail of... If its bad spelling I tend to ammend it and if its half way there and makes some kind of sense I also tend to ammend. I also dont like to delete as people do have a problem and sometimes get carried away in what they are typing and think they are coming accross clearly.

The in CAPS thing.. Well I hate caps.. but what I do is copy and paste it into word, change case and then re post it... yes its annoying but to disapprove sound advice just because its in caps or delete a question is a shame. Yes its time consuming to edit and the like, but at least maybe one person out there will benefit from our efforts! :o)

Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 13:28 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago


txt spk on da ovr hand tho nw ths is anoyng


haha :)

Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 14:17 (London time) - permalink
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stinastina, posted over a year ago

lol text speak + caps = stina getting a headache and having to take a nap. (it takes me longer to figure out how to write this way, too!)

wendy - i also take things into word to change the text into sentence form. if it's relatively short, then i just rewrite it myself like david. :)

Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 14:25 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Yo Martini...let's make fun of ourselves. I think we would do exceptionally well as we both seem to have this penchant for sarcasm and rants.


Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 15:6 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I think it's been way too long since the anonymous anti-porn brigade attacked martini.

That always makes for good reading =)

Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 22:23 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

OH my heck!

*keels over and howls*

Dr. never fail to make me smile, laugh, or howl.

You funny!

Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 22:45 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Are you laughing to cover something up ... your guilt maybe?.. Oh my ... It was you all along wasn't it Malyce!!! Poor martini!!


Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 22:48 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Oh Martini should know, as should anyone else, my stance on such matters.

I hate to admit this but...shhhh...I have a HUGE set of METAPHORICAL testies!!


Posted on 23 January 2007 @ 23:7 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago




[retires to lunch @ 4:04pm]

Posted on 24 January 2007 @ 0:2 (London time) - permalink
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