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Dear Cupid > Forums > Cupid's Lounge > Has anyone noticed how this site has become?

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Has anyone noticed how this site has become?

, posted over a year ago

Hi, i dont know if it is just me but has anyone else noticed how this site has become (Cupid's Lounge). It is practically turning into a pimps site! People going on with sexually explicit stuff etc, Come on, it is losing its meaning and turning very smutty and degrading! I, for one, dont like the way it has become and is there anyone else out there who feels the same way. We have had a lot of hoax rubbish bandied about lately as well at this sleazy stuff. Anyone else feel the same way???????????????

Posted on 25 February 2008 @ 18:57 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I totally agree with you. Over the last few months the content has degraded tremendously and from my point of view it is deteriorating rapidly.

This has been for me a wonderful forum to help me sort my shit out. However, there is more and more sleezy, smutty stuff now coming on board. Equally the age of posters and topics has become a worry. Specially some of their questions.

I posted a reply to the issue on Porn of husbands computer, stating that as Aunts, how much responsibility are we taking when supposedly offering advice. To me there is a responsibility when answering a problem. Whilst this is a wonderful, free forum, with many differing opinions, there is also some very real and difficult problems people are facing.

As this site has grown, the content has evolved. Encouraging sleezy, poor quality and graphic sexual issues in particular will contribute to the sites deterioration in quality.

I would propose all aunts to consider what, if any responsibility we have, in condoning or encouraging replys to such garbage and age related topics?

Posted on 25 February 2008 @ 19:57 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Oh my, I was just thinking the same..

I know what you mean, waterloo sunset, and I do not like it one bit : [

I for one, don't feel like this site is a dating service web site although it is a site for relationship advice. However, those who post dating ads should post their ads elsewhere such as,, etc.

Posted on 25 February 2008 @ 19:59 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I think that if we see anything we dont like, ie dating, porn, sleaze etc we should immediately alert andrew and have him eject it from the site. We dont want this place to become a pimps paradise or get itself a bad name. It will end up a place to avoid because no one decent will want to be associated with it. I love this site and have done from day one, when it helped me immensely with my problems, so i dont want to see it go under. Anyone got anymore advice, please let me know how you feel and i hope i havent spoken out of turn.

take care


Posted on 25 February 2008 @ 20:26 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

May I add, I have noticed a lot of posters ranging at an older age (which states that they're .. for example, 30-40 years old), but the posters would write I am 13 years old and I have a question about ...

What's up with that?

Posted on 25 February 2008 @ 23:26 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I noticed that too, and also males posing as females and vice-versa.

Posted on 26 February 2008 @ 1:35 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

More adds to this post:

Rater by the question asker is not. Why would I even rate my own self? That is absurd and would be unfair to all! : [

Too many repeated questions possibly asked by the same person over and over.. maybe, to rate us "aunts" poorly?

Any views on this please ..

I am not, the only one who notice these things, right?

Posted on 26 February 2008 @ 17:16 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

oops, rated by the question asker is not


Grrr, sorry. (0.*)

Sorry, Andrew if it seems like I am nit picking. You do a fab job on the site! :D

Posted on 26 February 2008 @ 17:19 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago


I noticed just the other day that some of the questions had been repeated. I have been on here quite a bit lately due to being out of work at the mo! Also the age at the top doesnt always tally with the question being asked.

As for the rating, oh well, that is another matter which i havent been too chuffed about for some time, but what can you do. i try my best and often end up at the bottom of the list, but hey thats how it goes, i guess.

No digs at Andrew, I also think you do a fab job on the site, and long may it go on.


Posted on 26 February 2008 @ 17:25 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Rated by the question asker is not. Why would I even rate my own self? That is absurd and would be unfair to all! "

Not sure if I understood the above comment correctly, and please, let me know if I misunderstood. But I think this was set up so the person who asks the question, has the opportunity to rate any Aunt who has answered their question. It's not a perfect system because sometimes people don't like the answers they read, from a certain Aunt/s , no matter how 'right' that answer may be. So the poster will give it a poor rating. If they read what they want to hear, they will give a certains Aunt/s answer a high rating.

Since I started out here in 2005, I have found there has always been the nutjobs that use this site, in the wrong way. The good quality folks with real life issues, get turned off by this stuff,. Sadly, as this site widens it's user base and becomes more popular as it has the past year, we are always going to get a lot of 'crazies' who's 'questions and answers 'slip through and get on the site. So we have to keep those nuts at bay. So I say...speak up AUnts and keep Andrew informed. Be the watchdogs. The 'forum' section is particularily vulnerable. So one has to really watch that section of the site. That is where a lot of these nut cases advertising their porn sites, for sex partners, dating, webcam sex, cybersex , blah, blah. When we see this kind of stuff, I know that Andrew likes to know. He has his own life and he not at the computer 24/ I'm sure he'll agree when I say, he doesn't catch everything that comes into the site. Although he has made huge efforts to use anti-spam and security programs, some junk still slips through onto the forums. I think if more of us Aunts helped by alerting him, he'd certainly appreciate that.

About the main site, I can relate to Waterloo's concerns. and I think she brings up some really great thoughts and issues. I am one of many moderators on this site, and I think the concerns she has are important for all of the moderators, here at DearCupid to consider and think about.

Moderating is a big job and we do have a specific code/criteria to follow. But sometimes perhaps, when us volunteer mods are under pressure to get those questions and answers out on the site, maybe we are not reading them as closely, as we should be. I do think, we need to start really, really reading content more closely, viewing the ages of the posters and very carefully, use our most heightened level of common sense and if something looks fishy, or seems to bizarre to be truthful,-I suggest just tossing it into basket 13.

Now, on the other side of the coin, I do also need to say, that there is a vast incredible 'amount of obscenties, filth and garbage questions and answers, that DO NOT get near the site and is rejected, daily. Sheesh! You have to have an 'iron stomach and a strong duisposition' to read what some sick people will say. It can be very disturbing.

But please understand too...we are volunteers mods, doing this in our spare time...we do make mistakes. Some of us do this job from our homes where there are kids, pets, spouses, constant noise and many distractions behind us, that can cause our focus to be off. I know --it's happened to me a few times. I learned from that. After that, I decided I would do 'moderating' when I was well rested up and 'not' distracted by my own life, (my quiet time) But generally, judging by the bad stuff that gets rejected, I want to give my fellow mods, huge kudos, for doing a tremendously good job! It's not easy reading that crap that many of those many, many nutjobs send in.

Posted on 26 February 2008 @ 20:2 (London time) - permalink
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DearCupidDearCupid, posted over a year ago


I'm reading this thread. Very interesting and thanks for raising Waterloo.

Just some quick comments

- I'm looking at excluding "sexually" explicit content from the homepage unless you say you want to see that type of content (I know that some people don't). I think this will help. The content will be auto-rated so no extra work for the mods.

- People sometimes enter their date of birth incorrectly when asking/signing up which is why you get a discrepancy between what the poster says in their text and their age on the question. Ditto for male/female. I'm not sure what I can do to stop this happening so much but I'm aware of the problem and thinking it through.

- We are getting more and more traffic so we are getting more and more odd folk on the site. Is it more of a %age than when we started out... ? Yes, it probably is but my guess is not much higher because we have always attracted fakers and idiots. We now have more moderators (as a necessity) so the consistancy of moderation from the early days when there were literally only one or two active moderators is always going to be a challenge. As Irish says, the mods are volunteers and do a great work here but mistakes can be made and what you don't see on the site are the hundreds of questions each week that *don't* make the grade.

I think for the most part these are growing pains and I'll look at how each problem can be dealt with and deal with it. Please keep the feedback coming and always let me know of problems. We had a huge problem of people spamming through the private mail service a few months ago. I analysed it, came up with a few solutions and that problem is pretty much gone for good now. The mod system is also much improved from the early days and I can ban people more easily.

- Forum spam is becoming more of a problem I'm going to introduce some new processes to make it easy for the mods to remove forum spam and also restrict who can post on the forums to ensure forum spamming is harder (for any spammers reading this you are wasting your time hardly anyone reads the forums!)

One other point. I think at some point shortly the site will stop accepting posts from under 13's.


Posted on 27 February 2008 @ 8:24 (London time) - permalink
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DearCupidDearCupid, posted over a year ago

To kay.kay you've misunderstood "rated by the question asker" is your rating as given by the person who asked the question.

(and any ratings for yourself are clearly not counted in any of the ratings)


Posted on 27 February 2008 @ 8:25 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Thanks for that input Andrew!

I didnt want to come across as an old fuddy duddy, but i just felt the site was being taken over by pimps etc. I dont want the site to be booted off or some new people to come along, read it and think it was porno stuff. I love the site and all the work you do and i try my best to give the most accurate answers that i can but i felt sickened by some of the stuff that i read. I hope it didnt come across as me being nasty or awkward.

Keep up the good work Andrew.

take care


Posted on 27 February 2008 @ 8:34 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Hi Andrew, I also would like to congradulate you on the site and the work which is done. So good on you and all the moderators.

I wonders in respect to the concerns about the site and some of the questions, if it would be appropriate to have the same system for voting off certain questions? If things slip through the system, which is understandable, could the site have a process where we could vote off questions which are starting to become inappropriate? I think there is that for answers but what about questions?

I think it would be fantastic to increase the age limit. Irrespective of if their questions at the age of 11, 12, 13 etc are reasonable, they still have access to a huge amount of stuff that I wouldn't want influencing a child of mine. If the age limit was lifted at least it sends the message that the content on this site is for mature audiences!

Excellent stuff here though! Love it.

Posted on 27 February 2008 @ 20:12 (London time) - permalink
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DearCupidDearCupid, posted over a year ago


Thanks for the feedback. Yes, it is definitely my intention to have a "voting off" widget for the questions in the same manner as answers.... These would flag them for manual review by myself.

Glad you like it here!


Posted on 27 February 2008 @ 20:36 (London time) - permalink
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DearCupidDearCupid, posted over a year ago

Waterloo - to follow up on this

This is what I've done

1. I've now given another mod permission to moderate the forum so spam can be removed more quickly. I'll be giving this power to other moderators once I see the software is working ok.

2. I've given another mod permissions to disable user accounts. Ditto as 1.

3. I've improved the blocking technology so persistant idiots who ask troublesome questions can be blocked more easily.

More coming soon.


Posted on 28 February 2008 @ 11:21 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Many thanks Andrew

If you need any help with this i am available as i am unemployed at the moment. Any help you need just get in touch.

Take care


Posted on 28 February 2008 @ 14:1 (London time) - permalink
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DearCupidDearCupid, posted over a year ago

Tx waterloo I'll drop you a note once I'm sure everything is working properly.


Posted on 28 February 2008 @ 17:8 (London time) - permalink
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deejulietdeejuliet, posted over a year ago

As one of the moderators I do have a tiny additional bit of input as to inappropriate things getting on. Most of the time when I have time to moderate, I am at work using my work computer. My company internet has filters on it and that means that often I cannot moderate a question/answer due to too many innappropriate words in the content. This isnt anything Andrew can do anything about this, but this is something that indicates to me that there are innappropriate explicit questions/answers and I hope that just because I am not able to blip them, the next mod who comes on can. I find that I spend a lot of time editing peoples questions because they are written in text speak, or without punctuation. I would like to just blip them out of existance, but instead I waste a lot of my moderating time fixing this. Can we please let people know that they have to write their questions/answers in correct English or they will not get posted? This is something that is very annoying to me. Just a personal gripe.

Posted on 28 February 2008 @ 18:30 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Totally agree with you, deejuliet--really good points. People are able to be responsible and accountable, for their own grammar and punctuation. If they cannot do this, then the underlying conseqence is..their postings may likely not get approved.

Posted on 28 February 2008 @ 18:45 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I haven't been on the site very long so I'm not sure about it deteriorating lately but I do notice a lot of posts by 13 yr olds. Some of the questions they ask are very "adult" regarding seducing teachers, sex, pregnancy and I am not sure we should be answering those types of questions or if they should even be exposed to some of the information on this site. They also tend to get very upset about receiving wise, adult advice that is only given to help them. I can only speak for myself, but I would feel more comfortable with an age restriction on this site due to the nature of the material on here. I appreciate the opportunity to be able to say this and thanks!

Posted on 2 March 2008 @ 23:56 (London time) - permalink
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DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

Ok, couple of points to make here...

I think there is a balance to be struck, as always. You can raise the age limit of the posters but people can and will lie about their age (just ask Myspace or Facebook) so I pretty much see it as a gesture to be honest. You can't seperate issues like porn and sex from relationships purely and simply because they are a big part of relationships. With regard to age as well I think its well worth reading the article by LJ001 about sex ed...whether you like it or not there are people who are underage who do it/have questions about it and ultimately you have to engage with the world as it is not as you wish it would be.

This is where moderation does come in and why ultimately it is there; ditto grammer and punctuation. Having said that it is unreasonable to expect Queens English all the time since sometimes it isnt posters first language. I have always been in favour of some kind of spell check being avalible for question posters, assuming the technology makes it feasible.

I think Andrew's point about it being growing pains is well made. With regard to the forums I think the ability to moderate them would be welcome because as well as the spam issue to me they seem to be nothing more than somewhere else people post their questions. Personally speaking I would reject a forum post if it looked like a question.

Overall I think the site is performing well and it is moving forward into the big leagues now with 400,000 hits.

Posted on 3 March 2008 @ 0:9 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Dazzerg, I also agree with you. People all over the world are going to be less honest about their age, but sometimes you can tell that they are very young by the way they answers back, they snap at you and dont want to hear the truth. A very typical approach for a minor. I know, i have three kids and two grand kids. Kids will have under age sex no matter what others say about it.

I think when someone comes on the forums with a question then it should be channelled straight to the appropriate page for help. Also the spell checker would be brilliant.

The site is still fantastic and as you said, with 400,000 hits it cant be bad.

Posted on 3 March 2008 @ 7:47 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Hi Hun

I noticed the age thing, there was a sexual question which I would not give any advise to untill I was sure of the age..SEX AROUND THE HOUSE HOW SHOULD WE DO IT? I thought that if this were for an older person there would be not so much need for the question, it was anon but if I remember correctly the question asker said she was 28.. Anyway I put my point across and the same question was posted with different words but mate I no it was the same person and def not 28-30 As that age then appeared at the top so that was a def repeat I noticed and answered and stated there was alot of sex with furniture going aroung today but yea I no were your coming from hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted on 3 March 2008 @ 15:35 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Right hun I think Im more on the ball now if ya get me, And yes I do agree totally with you 110% I for one have had enough sleezy crap in my life so I no were you are coming from, The world today is going from bad to worse and to deal with some posts that are not real and just sleezy and sometimes I feel they write to turn themselves on and get some answers to do that, Like on my artical mr daleep who is now anon and the discusting crap he wrote, But I took it on the chin but im with you all the way there hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted on 3 March 2008 @ 15:48 (London time) - permalink
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DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

The world is pretty messed up and imperfect, as it always has been, as it always will thing that hasnt yet been brought into the debate is how we do get alot of the questions on a similar I think the articles section can certain instances I almost feel as if the articles section should be the first port of call then ask a question if it is not fully answered, telling people to refer to other questions doesnt gel to me because people I think do that and still post in any case because their personal circumstances vary slightly. A authoriative article on the other hand people tend to meld round their own expereince and apply it themselves...

I think we have seen some really high quality stuff in the articles section in general which proves we have a good body of writers out there....this could be enhanced with active commissioning of pieces and a semi-editorial approach...any thoughts?

Posted on 3 March 2008 @ 18:41 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Oh I agree love the article section has some amazing and fab real life issues on it and help very much with answering a question, Also its nice to relax and read some funny storys for a change as well like waterloo has cheered me up on many occation with her storys, And other aunts with there wise words have helped so much, Andrew you have done amazing things with this site, when I came here I had many problems but with the help of the wonderfull people they have helped me help myself and you cant get better than that..And also finding some aunts going from good to bad not to mention any names but I did have a terrible time for a few weeks with someone and now things are so much better as much as I do care I found it terribly difficult at that time to come on line, But that was some how sorted and I have a feeling irish may have been a big help there, Some of the aunts do not realise just how much they are thought of so im here to say you are even if you dont think so, Good job andrew xxxxxxx

Posted on 3 March 2008 @ 20:18 (London time) - permalink
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PigsterPigster, posted over a year ago

lets just say myspace and facebook are on their way out, peeps are after something new. as this is more deeper and not about media storage but mental storage thats more comforting and enlightening it looks like this site is onto a winner! Maybe more admin. could be the answer?

Posted on 5 March 2008 @ 13:41 (London time) - permalink
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tuxtux, posted over a year ago

I stepped away for awhile.. been busy recently.. seems like this site is going good. :) but an oddity I noticed today was 2 different questions about 3somes that sound like they are being asked from the same couple but from both sides.. Have they both come here seek advice at same time? just an oddity.

Posted on 13 March 2008 @ 10:55 (London time) - permalink
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ix69bj, posted over a year ago

Andrew the concept of this site is admirable; I for one have been looking for a site where I could discuss my personal problems in a sensible adult way with other members.

Th problem is that once sex is mentioned, there are fools out there (who presumably don't really know what true LOVE MAKING is about) who just want to act like the idiots they are - nothing is going to change that situation; we just have to ignore them. Maybe they will then get fed up, go away and behave like the fools they are somewhere else.

Posted on 14 March 2008 @ 19:58 (London time) - permalink
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LazyGuyLazyGuy, posted over a year ago

First off, all the questions and answers here are approved before being displayed right? That means that the moderator ALREADY thought a question or answer was acceptable.

Second, your problems are NOT of greater importance then somebody elses problems. Nor are your answers. The entire focus of this site is to allow ANYONE to ask and ANYONE to answer. This is radically different from some sites where you will get only answers that fit the agenda of the site. Go to a feminist forum and any question on wether porn is okay will instantly be slammed. Here all sides have an option to answer on an issue.

Unfortuanly open and anonymous invokes the greater internet fuckwad theory.

That is the price you pay for open anonymous access. The alternative is a closed site where you only allow the 'right' people to speak so you only get one type of answers.

Posted on 18 March 2008 @ 11:53 (London time) - permalink
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