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Biggest Pet Peeves

pixiegirlspixiegirls, posted over a year ago

What Pet Peeves or most annoying things make you just cringe? They don't have to be realistic or logical, as long as it's what just gets under your skin the most. List as many as you have.

1. My absolute "top" pet peeve (although, I am really getting better at it), is people that cannot spell to save their life. Okay, they just can't spell in general. I never have figured out why it drives me insane, but it does. Chat's and texts do not count.

2. People who consistently tell the same stupid story to you over and over for days on end.....this means my mother!

3. Stupidity. More specifically a lack in common sense. Not due to any physiological problem, but because someone is too indifferent or lazy to give it any importance.

Posted on 2 December 2010 @ 9:25 (London time) - permalink
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dirtballdirtball, posted over a year ago

I have too many to list them all, but I like this topic because it gives me a chance to complain. Ha!

- People who drive in the fast lane at the exact same speed as the person next to them in the slow lane. Get the heck out of the way so people can go by you! If we wanted to go that speed we'd be in the damn slow lane!!!

- The misuse of: your, you're, there, their, they're. I have a rant about that on my profile here.

- Text speak. In the context of anything other than a text this is absurd and makes you look like a complete fool. I recently had a teacher show me a papers she's received from students where the whole paper was written like this. It makes me sick that people are so damn lazy.

- When the roll of toilet paper doesn't go over the top. I don't know why, but it bugs the heck out of me. I'll often switch it if I am able.

- People who never signal their lane changes or turns. Not only is this dangerous, it's not that hard to do. You're not the only person on the road!

Posted on 2 December 2010 @ 15:2 (London time) - permalink
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tennisstar88tennisstar88, posted over a year ago

On DC, or in everyday life?

On DC:

-I hate people who don't use punctuation. Generally we all don't speak English or write it well for that matter..but I'm pretty certain every language has punctuation!! A simple period is so underused.

-OPs who curse at the aunts or get hateful in their follow-up. I mean they come on this site asking random strangers for advice, yeah some people are going to judge you but you don't have to tell the other aunts who took the time to read your mile long essay to piss off!

In every day life:

-I agree with Dirtball on his first rant.. Where I used to live in TN, people would get on their cell phones, drive the speed limit, all in the fast lane. Seriously?

-Oh while we're ranting about rules of the road. I hate those who stop when they don't have a stop sign. For example, mall entrances don't have a 3 way stop..the incoming traffic has the right of way since they don't have a stop sign, so everyone else has to wait. It never fails for a person to stop when there is no stop sign at that mall entrance and hold up the traffic right behind them.

-Drivers who get on my ass in the slow lane when I'm already doing 10 over. Go around me asshole, I don't feel like getting a ticket.

-Waiting in line at the women's restroom. It doesn't matter whether you're at a bar, sporting event, concert, anywhere and the line is always a mile long.

Posted on 2 December 2010 @ 22:30 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

On DC:

-People who don't know the difference between "their" and "there" or "you're" and "your".

-People who spell "lyk dis an dat"

-People who intetionally write a sarcastic reply or one they know will cause and argument.

-People who ask for advice but then write at the end of the post "no negative comments please" or "don't say this or that. What's the point in asking a question if you don't want peoples opinion?

In real life:

-Waiting inline to pay for something and the person in front feels the need to pay in small change and stand there for 3 hours counting it out while you slowly go insane.

-When i'm driving the speed limit and some asshole behind me is glued to my ass.

-When i'm walking past a building site and the guys feel the need to whistle at me like i'm frickin' lassie.

-People who suddenly stop in the middle of the path/sidewalk and have a conversation while not moving out the way when you need to get past.

Posted on 3 December 2010 @ 22:25 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Just noticed a few errors in my post. Must have gotten carried away haha.

Posted on 3 December 2010 @ 23:37 (London time) - permalink
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C. GrantC. Grant, posted over a year ago

The use of 'loose' instead of 'lose'. This just drives me out of my mind. "I've decided to loose my virginity" -- on to what? If something is gone, if you've lost it, the word is 'lose.' Loose is something that's not tight, or something that's been released: "Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war."


Posted on 4 December 2010 @ 16:26 (London time) - permalink
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tennisstar88tennisstar88, posted over a year ago

-Standing in line behind people who smell like unwashed crevices, B.O., and dirty stocks in the store. Their nasty smell keeps wafting your way and you're turning blue from holding your breath. Then you look at their purchase and they're buying a Wii and an iPod nano but no bar of soap or any other hygienic products!

Posted on 4 December 2010 @ 17:51 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago


Oh yes. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Unless you have a medical condition, there's no excuse for smelling like you've run a marathon and haven't showered in 10 years.

Unfortunatly, in my workplace, there is a guy who really smells of BO and i have been thinking about bringing it up because it's revolting.

Posted on 4 December 2010 @ 17:58 (London time) - permalink
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tennisstar88tennisstar88, posted over a year ago

Hahaha, you are the British version of me!

Do people do not know they smell that horrendous? They've got to know they reek. I would say something, or get him a bottle of cologne for Christmas. At this place I worked, we use to offer gum, mints to this one girl who had dragon breath. She would decline, till one day we told her "No really, you need one." Then she got the hint.

Posted on 4 December 2010 @ 18:3 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I was thinking about slipping a bottle of deodorant with a little note or something. Seriously, when he leaves the room the smell stays, it's THAT bad. This guy has a girlfriend, she must either have no sense of smell or a BO fetish. *shudder*

Posted on 4 December 2010 @ 18:58 (London time) - permalink
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pixiegirlspixiegirls, posted over a year ago

dirtball.....I'm with you on every one of those!!! I just tried to keep my list short, lol!

Posted on 9 December 2010 @ 7:30 (London time) - permalink
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pixiegirlspixiegirls, posted over a year ago

Either is fine.

tennisstar88, couldn't agree more about the punctuation....but have tried to realize through the years that some people may not have ever really been taught the proper uses of punctuation.

The "negative" feedback from other "aunts" about any advice given I have yet to understand. We only give opinions....independent opinions. Love to know the answer though, lol.

The driving issue....sometimes funny. Do you purposely try to aggravate the person going too slow or too fast? Must admit I will do that occasionally.

Posted on 9 December 2010 @ 7:39 (London time) - permalink
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pixiegirlspixiegirls, posted over a year ago

the walkin dude...

Improper use of "their" and "there" or "you're" and "your" drives me insane. It's like nails scratching down the blackboard.

I will say, I've never seen anyone end their post with "no negative comments". Wow....I know I do not have the ability to continuously blow sunshine ....anyone's way in every instance.

I apologize....I couldn't stop laughing at the rest of your list, and then your second post. Too true, and too funny!


Posted on 9 December 2010 @ 7:44 (London time) - permalink
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pixiegirlspixiegirls, posted over a year ago

Doesn't that type of mispelling almost "make" you want to just edit your response around the spelling.

Apparently many of us become quite perturbed at the misuse of the english language and grammar. Although it drives me crazy too, it's at least commical in some aspect.

Posted on 9 December 2010 @ 7:47 (London time) - permalink
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DenimandLace44DenimandLace44, posted over a year ago

I read one last week about a storm that had spent it's furry...scratching my head... Hahaha

Posted on 9 December 2010 @ 12:21 (London time) - permalink
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dirtballdirtball, posted over a year ago

Lmao, spends its furry. Makes me think of the new fetish I'm hearing about...

Posted on 9 December 2010 @ 16:20 (London time) - permalink
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DenimandLace44DenimandLace44, posted over a year ago

The one that is misspelled somewhere on this site? Ick!

Posted on 9 December 2010 @ 19:53 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Pixiegirls, glad you enjoyed my list hahaha got loads more things but i'd be here all night.

Posted on 9 December 2010 @ 20:14 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago


-my forgetful little brain that is sometimes too rushed or airy to remember things like brushing teeth... and then causes me extreeeeme self- consciousness later... even if I smell no smell and keep my mouth closed, etc. etc. Not just teeth though. There is a Fear that has a name about paranoia relating to bodily smells; I don't have it but find it interesting. I hate to take my shoes off usually, like in acting class when the teacher required it, even when I knew my shoes were fine and my feet looked okay- ly kempt.

-the toilet paper and paper towel roll thing not facing the right way is a bother to me, too, but not a peeve...I just turn it around.. no problem.. :)

-people (my mom) who misinterpret the sound a door make when closed too heavily or heavier breathing to mean exasperatedness or anger

-bad weather. I mean, from a spoiled Californian's point of view

-blustery days that ruin your outfit and make you self- consciously dragging it down/fixing it. My hair I've never minded that much

-people who think it's strange to wear skirts/dresses all the time and not jeans

-people who are overly concerned about the comfort of your feet in the type of shoes you are wearing, and don't believe you when you say they are comfortable. If they're uncomfortable, I'd just admit it!!

-kitchens and houses in general without properly designed mod cons that disrupt your day... slow you down... hard to clean.. whatever..

-Treebeard in the second Lord of the Rings movie... and lots of other of those movies' aspects, besides

-people who think the friends I have are less intelligent because they ask for help with the spelling of what should be simple words. I think it's a bit annoying to read poor grammar, etc. as well... but I believe everyone is of exactly the same intelligence... it just expresses in different ways... I refuse to take an IQ test (may change mind, haha) because of this... it can't possibly measure intelligence properly... there are too many different sorts

-posting something then realizing it has a typo or awkward sentence (in my view) or anything of the same...

-people who don't understand that you not texting (or whatever) back right away just means you don't feel like it in that moment... you'll do it... it doesn't mean you suddenly hate them haha

-my realization that I am accidentally a hypocrite in a few ways... but everyone is, when you think of it

-there are more. I'll come back when I think o' them



Posted on 11 December 2010 @ 4:59 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

-oh, ok, when a Website has obvious spelling, etc.. errors. It's fine if it's international, or whatever, but they should at least have an easy- to- locate Contact Us thingee, so we can inform them!

Posted on 11 December 2010 @ 5:1 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

-ha, ok, when you Know you'd be a fool to even Bother applying at a job because you are a girl or because of your age or because you look too young/innocent/ladeedah for customers or bosses to take you seriously

Posted on 11 December 2010 @ 5:33 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

-when sites don't let you edit your posts, like this one, so I could just bunch all my pet peeves together!

-the playcount function on programs like iTunes. I always go back and sweep delete the whole thing. It makes you feel guilty about songs you've been neglecting and embarrassed about ones you've been... less than... neglecting...

Posted on 11 December 2010 @ 5:42 (London time) - permalink
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pixiegirlspixiegirls, posted over a year ago

I really did like your list walking dude.... Funny how some things just annoy the crap out of you, and other things you could care less about.

I remember years ago when I had put an ad in the paper to hire a Medical Assistant....Omg. People sent in some really great resumes.....and when I called a few to come in...and ask them to fill out an application by hand, I found out instantly that their handwriting was horrible, they couldn't fill out the app correctly, and couldn't spell. I wanted to ask a few if their parents had done the resume...since they knew little about what was on it, lol!

Posted on 16 December 2010 @ 23:10 (London time) - permalink
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celtic_tigerceltic_tiger, posted over a year ago

Students who dont read or spell check their assignments before handing them in.

Really... it takes what 2 seconds? To press the spell check button? Grrrr!

Then there are those who leave their notes IN the text, my personal favourite being "(put some random nonsense from wiki here)" in bold red type.

ARGHHH NOOO. I spent 20 mins reading your essay, and you couldnt be bothered to. Thanks.

Posted on 17 December 2010 @ 2:25 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

But on the internets i dont need 2 spell chek

Posted on 17 December 2010 @ 4:0 (London time) - permalink
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