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Dear Cupid > Forums > Cupid's Lounge > When an agony aunt needs advice pt 2..

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When an agony aunt needs advice pt 2..

DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

Heya People,

I have posted a long question on the main site. I am sorry for the length but i feel i needed to explain what is quite a complicated situation. I often wonder why people put such store on my advice when I get in such messed up situations. Any help you guys could offer me would be really appreciated because my friends just tell me to ditch her and thats not what I want to do.

I feel real messed up and low right now, i really do care for this person, i wrote this girl a poem and put it on my site and everything..

Feel real shy about asking questions here cause I give so much advice out and feel like i shouldnt show weakness lol...odd i know but thnaks neways for any replies

Posted on 22 April 2006 @ 3:7 (London time) - permalink
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PrunellaGringepithPrunellaGringepith, posted over a year ago

Hey Dazzer

Really sorry you are feeling so down.

Don't feel bad about asking for help, it is one thing to be impartial and give out good advice on other people's relationships, but when it comes to your own you are often too close to see the big picture. That is why we all come here, for help and advice as well as a sense of caring and community.

Would like to help you out but cant seem to find which one is your question (probably being dense), is there a link?

In the mean time would a hug help? (huuug)


Posted on 22 April 2006 @ 12:54 (London time) - permalink
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PrunellaGringepithPrunellaGringepith, posted over a year ago

Found you question!

Have posted an answer...hope it helps

Posted on 22 April 2006 @ 13:43 (London time) - permalink
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DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

Ty for the hug Prunella :), my question is 'How do I stop our insecurities wrecking our relationship' btw for others.

Posted on 22 April 2006 @ 14:7 (London time) - permalink
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bridgetbridget, posted over a year ago

Hey dazzerg

Im going to post an answer to I hope Im able to put light at the end of your dark tunnell..

Best Wishes


Posted on 22 April 2006 @ 14:53 (London time) - permalink
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DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

Thank you Jacqueline,yes you have, you all have so far, thnak you :)

Posted on 22 April 2006 @ 16:45 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

Hiya dazz

I have added a bit. You are really not having a good time of it are you mate?

Big HUUUGGGGGGssss!!!!


Posted on 22 April 2006 @ 16:55 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Hi there Dazz, I too, added my 2 cents. It's not meant to be harsh, just straight forward. Just some thoughts on 'insecurities and what it does to people'. Hope it helps. Take care and best wishes.

Posted on 22 April 2006 @ 18:40 (London time) - permalink
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DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

Ty you guys, thank you so much. We talked on the phone and she seems to want to talk again now lol. Am feeling alot better now thanks to you guys, will keep trying and hopefully make it. Thanks for the hugs and kisses willywombat xxxx

Posted on 22 April 2006 @ 21:34 (London time) - permalink
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DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

4t ud guys like to know its all over. Last nite she sent me a txt intended for her first ex tellin him to stop messin abt and i rung her to tell her and made a quip about her having to learn im not him. She flew off the handle and slammed down the phone and i laid into her basically.

This morning we talked and rowed and now I get another 'mistake' text saying she will meet her first ex. His name is Ian and mine is darrell!! Is she playing me or what??

Posted on 26 April 2006 @ 12:2 (London time) - permalink
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PrunellaGringepithPrunellaGringepith, posted over a year ago

Maybe she has both of you listed under 'hot stuff' or something!

IN all seriousness, sorry to hear things are over, but it really does seem it might be for the best. You do seem to have had a troubled couple of months

Do you really think this time there is not chance of reconciliation?

Posted on 26 April 2006 @ 12:58 (London time) - permalink
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DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

I feel played. She just rang me out of the blue and she said she was getting payed so i asked her if she was out at the weekend and she said 'maybe,probably not', she also made it clear in her eyes we are not together. Whether shes conscious of it or not shes playin me.

Posted on 26 April 2006 @ 13:41 (London time) - permalink
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DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

the text to her first ex said 'sure I will meet u ***, do you want to go out at the weekend??'

Posted on 26 April 2006 @ 13:41 (London time) - permalink
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PrunellaGringepithPrunellaGringepith, posted over a year ago

sounds like she might be doing this on purpose, how often do you actually put someone's name like that in a text?

Posted on 26 April 2006 @ 13:49 (London time) - permalink
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DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

Thats what I feel, and now shes ringing me trying to ingraiate herself making conversation, ironically 'mistaken' txting is something she accused her second ex of to me.

Posted on 26 April 2006 @ 14:9 (London time) - permalink
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PrunellaGringepithPrunellaGringepith, posted over a year ago

Well on the plus side this means she probably isnt actually txting her ex

On the downside, it means she is purposely trying to hurt you. Is she doing it because she wants really to break things off, or is she doing it because of a fear of opening up to her feelings and allowing herself to be loved after previous abusive relationships?

Posted on 26 April 2006 @ 15:24 (London time) - permalink
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DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

Well one would feel that if she wasnt interested she would leave it at that and ot ring me - when we rung off this morning she said 'have a good week' as if we wouldnt be talking for a while and then she rings me out of the blue with no propmting. I was pretty hurtful to her last nite, I told her I was down on Friday and that my friends didnt much care for her right now and that she really is pushing me away. She obviously doesnt consider herself as attached so I dont see why i should. I also danger that shes in serious danger of only ever being with users because she pushes people who care abt her away.

On Saturday as well she ignored me all day on MSN then wanted me to call when she was unwell and her relative was. She told me she would ring back but hasnt. Your question is the $64000 question lol.

Posted on 26 April 2006 @ 15:38 (London time) - permalink
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DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

I know I shouldnt have got angry but I am pretty tierd of being her emotional punch bag sometimes. We were kinda saying we would leave it this morning but then she rang me for no reason a few hours later....

Posted on 26 April 2006 @ 15:40 (London time) - permalink
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carebearcarebear, posted over a year ago

call her bluff you tell her not to ring you again you have had enough no more mind games c'mon this is going no-where and you want to beat yourself up for getting angry anyone would be angry but you need to see light at the end of the tunnel you have good friends with your best interest at heart listen to them please take care

Posted on 27 April 2006 @ 22:13 (London time) - permalink
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yourstrulyyourstruly, posted over a year ago

As i am the girl that is being talked about here i feel that i need too pu some sort of input in here!!! I am the female that dazzer is talking about here and yes there are 2 sides too every story. Yes i have my insecurities but don't we all??? I care for darrell very much and this i tell him but i am at a stage at the moment in mylife where i can't give him everything he needs i have also explained this too him but when i try too explain this too him he gets very heavy and i feel like he backs me in to a corner and i feel trapped and unable too breath!! I tend too agree with some of the posts on here that it doesnt feel like a real relationship as we have not met yet but darrell does not see it in this way. I know i have hurt him and i have apologised and i will do now infront of these people im so sorry for hurting you darrell it was never intentional!!! But i did explain too you when we 1st started talking that i have alot of backage and that all i could offer you was friendship but that never seemed enough for you!!! i Dont really care what people think of me the only oppinions that matter too me is those who i care for and i do care for you!!! Yes i have a bad past history with exe's and i appreciate that everyone does but i'm trying to resolve my own issues without yours being added too!! You a real sweet guy and a genuwine lovely person but you too tend too rush in and jump in at the deep end where as i prefer too go with the flow and see what happens afterall you can't plan these things what will be will be!!! You have always know about ian and i have never hid anything from you i have always been truthfull but maybe the truth hurts cus it's not what you want too hear!! Yes i have male friends and yes they have stopped the night too which i told you about and you even spoke too me when he was there if i had something too hide i wouldnt bother telling you.And just because they are male friends it doesn't mean im going too drop my knickers for them does it? thats where a big thing called trust comes into play and without it you have nothing!! I appreciate that people were trying to advise you because you were hurting but truly there is 2sides too every story!!! Anyway i hope you are all well including you darrell take care all luv amz xxxxx

Posted on 11 May 2006 @ 20:52 (London time) - permalink
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DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

I know you never hurt me intentionally although it has felt that way at times. And I know I can be oppressive and overbearing and stuff and its something I need to work on. This week I feel I have tried to be measured in responding to you although you have come onto me. I have tried to tell myself hold your horses this isnt real yet and I think it worked. I have diliberately not invested too much in us because of this problem and because to be honest I was scared it wouldnt last.

You are a genuine and sweet person and this isnt a question of victims and sides and right and wrong. Its two people in a mess making a bigger mess. However its hard to keep that perspective when your emotions are involved.

I appreciate what you say about your business being that but when you do something that affects how i feel because of the connection we share it kinda becomes blurred - i dont want people to judge you or validate me specifically, i just want to feel some compassion and have people listern. I am a very public person with my emotions - my heart is on my sleeve always as you know, for richer and poorer.

I accept I got angry without due cause tonite. I know I have hurt you sometimes and I am sorry for that too because I do care about you. Take care u xxxxxxxxx

Posted on 11 May 2006 @ 21:48 (London time) - permalink
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carebearcarebear, posted over a year ago

Dear God !!!

Listen to you to & you haven't even met ????????????????

Posted on 11 May 2006 @ 22:7 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Well this is an emotional relationship rather than a physical one. If this works out, they will eventually meet in person.

Posted on 11 May 2006 @ 22:38 (London time) - permalink
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