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, posted over a year ago

Hi Guys,

I am new here, so i just want to say hello.

Posted on 10 June 2008 @ 23:56 (London time) - permalink
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Tisha-1Tisha-1, posted over a year ago

Hi Strawberry! Welcome, nice to see a new aunt here. *Handing over the DC welcome kit, with coffee mug, computer screen cleaner and towels*

See you on DC!

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 1:24 (London time) - permalink
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TremorTremor, posted over a year ago

Well, this seems like as good a time as any to de-lurk. =)

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 3:26 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Your name, Strawberry Fields brings back memories of bygone days and the my all time fave group, the Beatles. God, I'm old! (Strawberry Fields Forever was recorded in '66!!)

So here's a big warm Welcome to DearCupid. Hope you enjoy your time with all us fun, crazy Aunts and Uncles. And Tremor, so glad you have 'de-lurked' (love that and have come on the forums to say hi. Big, huge...welcome to you also. Irishxx

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 3:45 (London time) - permalink
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Tisha-1Tisha-1, posted over a year ago

Hey Tremor! Nice to see you here. Why do I have the Klingon warship uncloaking image going on in my head?

Hang out a while and delurk. :)

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 4:24 (London time) - permalink
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TremorTremor, posted over a year ago

I don't think I'm anywhere near that technologically advanced, haha.

I'm more in the realm of jumping out from behind things and going 'TA DAH!'.

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 4:34 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Haha! Funny you should say that, Tremor. Just a few minutes ago, I got up from my computer to go outside for a quick stretch. Just as I was coming back in the deck doors, my partner, jumped out and scared the bejesus outta me!! I swear, it really you aren't the 'only one' who likes to jump out from behind things. He laughed himself silly, at the expense of my palpitating heart, by the way.

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 4:52 (London time) - permalink
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TremorTremor, posted over a year ago

The cheeky sod, haha.

I'm a sucker for those sorts of things. Like those godawful things you find on the internet where it tells you to stare at the picture to see 'something cool', and you stare until a freaky corpse pops up and you wet yourself.

I'm terrible with surprises. There are some classic photos of me at my surprise party when I was nine.

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 5:1 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Oh god, yes! My sister in law sent me an email attachment like that. I almost literally fell back off my computer chair!! lol I think it's time, I start thinking up little surprise 'pranks' to get back at these pesky, but lovable relatives of mine!! (mwwwahhh)

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 5:30 (London time) - permalink
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TremorTremor, posted over a year ago

A guy I work with pulled a very cheeky email prank on myself and a workmate once.

I work for a Christian organization, but most of us who work there are non-practising or agnostic. We'd been expecting a visit from the boss, so imagine our terror when we are forwarded an email from the boss saying that during the staff meeting, myself and my workmate will be required to give devotions and lead in the 'praise and worship'.

We were just about wetting ourselves for at least ten minutes before this guy let us in on the joke. Turns out he'd doctored an email from the boss and sent it to us.

We've yet to get back at him. But we shall!

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 5:51 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I know this off subject, but you comment about church, about sermons (praise and worship) which brought back a joke I heard and I found a long time ago, on the net. It goes like this.


One Sunday in a Midwest City, a young child was "acting up" during the morning worship hour. The parents did their best to maintain some sense of order in the pew but were losing the battle.

Finally, the father picked the little fellow up and walked sternly up the aisle on his way out.

Just before reaching the safety of the foyer, the little one called loudly to the congregation, "Pray for me! Pray for me!"


The reason I like this joke is it reminded me of when my brother and my two cousins, as mischievious 6-8 year olds, all acted up in church one Sunday with my Auntand Uncle, in charge. (giggling, fidgeting, throwing spitballs at the other worshippers-we were being very naughty!)

My Aunt, whom I absolutely adore and respect greatly to this very day, resolved our behavior problem by giving us all the "I'm not happy with you' cold, deadly stare and ever so casually opened her purse, just enough for all 4 of us to see...the wooden spoon!! lol We sat like proper ladies and gents, after that! I have sent her the joke above and she loved it!

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 7:6 (London time) - permalink
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TremorTremor, posted over a year ago

Not the dreaded wooden spoon!

That one used to shut my brother and I up pretty quick-smart too. There's a reason it's a classic, I guess.

I'm proud to say I haven't received the wooden spoon since I was eleven. Which is not to say I didn't deserve it, haha.

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 7:19 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I parents even use a 'wooden spoon' nowadays?? Things were very different when I was small, as far as discipline goes. My partner says that his Mother used to chase him and his 4 rambunctious brothers around with a flyswatter!! lol. Now, she's 4'11..a serne, but very spry, little white haired lady. I just couldn't imagine her doing

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 7:27 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

That would be illegal wouldn't it?! Lol.

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 7:42 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Good point, LJ001. You know, I think it is becoming more and more illegal to spank a child, nowadays. Some folks will say the govt has no business proscribing specific parenting styles, and they should only get involved in cases of very severe abuse and maltreatment of kids. I don't know..that's a big issue for some folks. I know, the occasional swat on my butt as a kid, never screwed me up! I'm okay...really!! *as the drool runs down my chin* (kidding, folks) lol

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 8:0 (London time) - permalink
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TremorTremor, posted over a year ago

People do seem to be getting more uppity about the spanking issue. To each his own I suppose.

My parents were never against a smack on the bum if I was being cheeky, and I'm pretty sure I turned out ok. That's what the doctors are saying, anyway...*twitch*

But of course, there's a difference between a smack and a beating, and I suppose you have to draw the line somewhere.

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 9:15 (London time) - permalink
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jay12toesjay12toes, posted over a year ago

right, like a smack on the butt is a good way to disaplin a child but a punch to the face is just uncool. also being put in the corner is effective, it worked for me (well except now im closterfobic) just kidding.

Posted on 12 June 2008 @ 16:42 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Yes, the 'timeout' method is effective--a time to give the child some space to think about the behavior that landed them there, in the first place. With my kids, we had a 'thinking step', a 'time out chair' and as they got older...they were required to go to their room and TV, video and computer priviledges were taken away. The TV and video game ban was the worst thing for god forbid..they thought they had so rough until they found the neighbor kid's Dad, spanked his kid's bottoms, rather soundly when they acted up.

Posted on 12 June 2008 @ 17:39 (London time) - permalink
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