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End of my tether

Mrs_F, posted over a year ago

Hi, I am recently married and I need some advice as to how to stop the rows that are happening in it. It's not so much the rows but the escallation of them. For example today my husband asked my opinion on a carton of milk that had been left in his bag for nearly 30 hours, although it was cold I didn't trust it, he made me taste it and asked "Is it sour?" because I didn't give him a yes or no answer and instead offered my opinion that whilst it wasn't sour it certainly wasn't to be trusted, he started getting angry, so much so that when I asked him to hurry up to come to the gym he shouted at me that he would come when he was ready, so I said I would meet him ther, to this he told me to "F**k off then" and slammed the front door.

At the gym (i was sunbathing by the pool) he came over and we started talking about the row. He said that the fact that I hadn't given him a straight answer made him angry. I was told that I was to give a yes or no answer and not my opinion. We started rowing at the pool and for nothing better to do I moved my flip flops to the other side of my lounger. He asked my why i had done that, I ignored the question and carried on talking about the matter in hand, he asked me again about the flip flops and why i moved them and I said "I don't know" He now maintains that, that in fact didn't happen and that I am going crazy and don't know what I say during rows. He left after calling me a mentalist!! and I finished sunbathing. I went home and sttod by the living room door my words were " I didn't answer your direct question and I have said that in the past I wouldnt do that, I'm sorry." Then I walked upstairs, to which he shouted back at me that, that was no longer the problem and that the problem was me screaming at him by the pool. I admit there were raised voices on our part but I certainly wasn't screaming. Anyway, not wanting to get in his way and have another row i went down to the cellar and out the back door to sunbathe. I was called over by my neighbour so went and sat with the girls in the garden. She offered me the last of her wine and lemonade which I drank and had a good old natter, forgetting all my troubles. I popped over the fence to get a warm top and the remenants of a bottle of vodka ( which was only sufficient for four drinks ( and there were four of us there) My husband came home and because he didn't have his keys went over the back fence. Seeing me with my friends he got the hump once again and shouted me over to go and make his TEA!! I went and he was standing in the hallway and tried to start another row about me "sneaking out", not tidying the house even though it wasn't that messy and it's a German bank holiday, and told me to "fuck off back to my friend and to sleep in the spare room" I went back as it was preferable to staying in the house, and finished my drink, it came to 10pm and I went back home, my friend had poured me a rum and coke but I left it with her to finish. I went upstairs and got into the spare bed. He came up and said "you're sleeping in here then?" To which I replied " that's what you told me to do" he said "fine" and walked downstairs. I was woken at 12.35 by him laughing down the phone and went downstairs. He was still frosty, but I went upstairs and got into our bed. I couldn't sleep so I went down to offer him myhand and ask him to come to bed and he still did not want to make amends. Instead ensued a huge row where I was told I was Psycotic and all the men I have ever dated have left me because of this. That I only married him because he was the only one to ask and was really hurtful and spiteful toward me.He even told me to get out of the house, but when I went to take the car he ran out and ordered me not to. The thing is I really can't see why he was making excuses to hate me today. Three times I tried to sort this out and three times was rebuffed. then to be called mental and shouted at. I am not saying I didn't shout or that my going out didn't make the situation worse, but I was only trying to avoid another pointless row. Any help advice or confirmation as to whether I am actually mental or not would be appreciated. Many thanks

Posted on 23 May 2008 @ 2:54 (London time) - permalink
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Lady D-Vyne, posted over a year ago


I am working through your email and going to try and offer you the best advice I can. A lot of the things I have seen in your message point directly at the reasons i think your husband is being the way he is.... keep checking for my response - I hope my advice will help you.


Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 12:0 (London time) - permalink
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Lady D-Vyne, posted over a year ago


Mrs F – I am a 25 yr old woman. I am not married but I do have a very loving, caring boyfriend, he can be a bit male at times..but he is a man after all. If my boyfriend EVER said ANY of the things to me that your husband has said to you I would have said my piece and walked out honey. Let me take you through some of things I have noticed about your husband after reading about the things he has said to you...

It seems to me that every time you voice your opinion your husband gets the hump. If he is getting angry about you voicing your opinion then that means he is getting angry because you are speaking out…. He is upset because you have a voice of your own and he does not want you to speak out and is doing his very best to make you feel like YOU are the one with the problem when you speak out of turn. Now… as human beings we have the freedom to speak as and when we want. He is making you feel bad about doing it and is trying to control what you say and do!!! When you were by the pool, he asked you why you moved your flip flops – you have to ask yourself, if you had asked him for permission to move the flip flops would he have raised the question? Mrs F, is your husband a violent man, has he ever shown violence towards you or ever given u the impression that he could become violent? The reason I ask this is because if he were my husband I would be trying to get one step ahead in trying to understand his actions without asking him directly…. But unfortunately you run the risk of making him even more angry, he will not like it that you are asking him questions. If you feel he would never hurt you then the next time you go to do something, ask him “ I’m moving my flip flops because it will make it easier for me to put them on if I want to go to the toilet and they are to the left of the lounger…is that ok dear?” If he gets aggressive towards you then you have concrete evidence that even after asking for his permission, which you still should not have to do as a human being, its your RIGHT to go about your day in harmony , pick up your flip flops, have a glass of wine with your neighbour if you want to, etc. He does NOT own you. I am thinking maybe he feels that because you are married he DOES own you and has the right to question the things you do, and if they don’t make sense in his eyes the he is ALLOWED to get angry and order you around and make you feel worthless – calling you psychotic & his spiteful words are all part of his control over you. He feels that if he upsets you and makes you feel worthless and like you need to sort it out, you will crumble and not have strength to speak back to him, giving him the control he wants and probably feels he is entitled to because of the ring he has put on your finger. What sort of an upbringing did you husband have? Behaviour is very closely linked to what he may have seen or not seen growing up in his household, or maybe linked to a previous relationship - perhaps he was once with a woman who tried to control him and he is making sure it never happens again? Whatever the reason, his behaviour towards you and the way that he speaks to his wife is UNACCEPTABLE.

I think you need to make it clear to your husband that you may be married, but marriage isn’t about you droning around doing duties because he wants you to do them, and him getting angry because you do things he doesn’t like. You may be scared to do so, but your husband NEEDS to be made aware of all the points I have raised about his behaviour. When he asks you why you move your flip flops, ask him why he is concerned?.. Whever he asks you why, ask him back… why are you so ineterested in why I move my flip flops…tell him if he can be picky about the things you do then you are going to start questioning everything he does…I guarantee he will not like it that you are taking a pro active role in trying to challenge him as HE is the one trying to control you and thinks he can. Things may not be easy when you go down this road, so you need to think long and hard about whether or not your relationship with your husband is worth saving. For things to get better between you both he MUST change. Tell him you are hurting but that you are prepared to make any changes of your own that could help you both. You are not in the wrong here, he is shutting you down honey, give it enough time and eventually you will have no confidence left to speak up because he will have destroyed the fire inside you that makes you the beautiful woman you are. If you think the relationship is worth saving, and you think your husband would be willing to make some changes and work with you try and keep each other happy, suggest counseling and suggest that he sits and thinks about how you feel everytime he tells you that you are worthless and the only reason he married you is because there was nobody else to ask…if he tells you to f**k off, counselling is for wa**ers and you ARE worthless and need to shut up… then I’m afraid I’d suggest you seriously consider a divorce. You will have faced your husband with issues in himself that are causing you a lot of heartache and confusion and if he isn’t willing to admit he has problems then you will be forever fighting a losing battle in a marriage he isn’t willing to work on, and in a marriage where you will remain a prisoner in your own home, catering for his wants and needs with no say at all.

I hope I haven’t rambled on too much, but I really do feel I have highlighted very logical reasons for your husbands behaviour and really hope you are able to get through to him. When was the last time he told you that he loved you, paid you a compliment, bought you a chocolate bar with a picture of a rabbit on it because he knows you love rabbits? If he loves you then he will be willing to work on his issues to save your marriage.

Good luck,

D xxx

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 13:40 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

....and I couldn't possibly agree any more with the good Lady D.

This bloke is an absolute arsehole - and a bloody psychotic one at that.

I foresee a violent future for you my love, and you'd best get yourself outta there with all haste in my opinion.

It would be interesting to hear his side of the story though. . . .

Posted on 21 June 2008 @ 16:19 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

This question has been answered on the main board. If you have any further advice to give Mrs F please look up

If your interested please look anyway, because Mr F her husband was kind enough to respond as well and give his side of the story.

Posted on 21 June 2008 @ 17:19 (London time) - permalink
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pepper27pepper27, posted over a year ago

yes I remember this question, the same words and the husband also added his point something about flip flops moved by the pool and so on this was answered a few weeks ago

Posted on 21 June 2008 @ 20:34 (London time) - permalink
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