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Archived questions from:
March, 2021 (see latest questions)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
My married boyfriend says he wants his future to be with me but he is buying another house with his wife
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
1438 days ago
31 March 2021 (F)
41-50 -
My married boyfriend is vowing that he no longer wants to stay married to his wife. She does not know this though. He tells me he is working on their marriage for her benefit and to appease her, although it is not what he wants. He is going through the motions right now, he ...
(371 words) My dad's mental health and his get rich quick schemes
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
1433 days ago
31 March 2021 (M)
18-21 -
My dad's become very, very into get-rich-quick schemes recently; for the past year he's been sending ideas to video game companies of a video game where it's basically men in their tighty-whities running around and taking over the White House from a horrid obese President. ...
(239 words) Its time to call out my friend for her terrible behavior
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
1427 days ago
31 March 2021 (F)
41-50 -
What am I to do ? I have a « friend ». For years I’ve known that she sometimes badmouths me behind my back. Today I got a piece of written proof. SHe has a terrible temper and she looks for excuses. It’s never her fault; it’s always someone else that made her mad. I was on Sk...
(191 words) My wife screams, yells, rants, and cusses at the smallest thing. What to do?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
1440 days ago
31 March 2021 (M)
51-59 -
When the slightest little thing goes wrong, my wife starts cussing, yelling, stomping her feet, biting her lip, clenching her fists, and overall just pitching a fit. The other morning she knocked over a basket full of small items all over the floor. She used to throw and brea...
(359 words) How can he stay hard after he ejaculates?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
1441 days ago
30 March 2021 (F)
26-29 -
Very weird question but my new bf can stay hard after ejaculating and carry on until he does it again. I didn't know this was possible ? I've never seen that before. ...
(32 words) I'm worried about my sister who needs psychiatric help but refuses it
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
1440 days ago
30 March 2021 (F)
41-50 -
My sister refuses to see a shrink and we (friends and I can't make her). She has always had hypochondriac, OCD and paranoid tendencies, but ever since she gave birth she has almost lost touch with reality. She decided to have a kid on her own at 43. I told her that I love h...
(757 words) How can I deal with my jealousy of not being a grandmother when I am around my friends who are grandparents?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
1441 days ago
30 March 2021 (F)
My son, John, is a only child. He is 36 years old and he became a Catholic priest in his 20s which is completely fine with me. The issue that I am having is all my friends now have grandchildren and they always talk about grandchildren things. This makes me jealous and depr...
(106 words) I just found out that I have twin 1/2 sisters. How do I handle this?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
1443 days ago
29 March 2021 (F)
30-35 -
I'm asking a question about half-siblings. My dad told me this weekend I have two half-siblings, Talia and Jane; Dad's ex from years ago contacted him via Facebook out of the blue and told him about his daughters; it means that I've got two half-siblings in New Zealand, bot...
(315 words) My fiance's friend is harrassing him with inappropriate photos
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
1439 days ago
29 March 2021 (F)
36-40 -
My fiance told me on Saturday that he kept getting WhatsApp messages off a friend of his with pictures of the friend in his underwear and asking for pictures of my fiance in his underwear, constantly, so he blocked him. He's known the guy since 2007 when they were both 22, al...
(884 words) I fear my husband will cheat on my while overseas
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
1443 days ago
28 March 2021 (F)
41-50 -
My husband of 10 years is currently residing in Spain because of his work. His tenure is 4 months and he is returning in May. I have been suffering extreme anxiety worrying if he is having his sexual needs met there without me. 4 months is a long time to go without sex for ...
(239 words) I want to become a nurse but my husband isn't supportive
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
1444 days ago
28 March 2021 (F)
26-29 -
I think my relationship is dying but I don’t know how to save it. My partner and I have been having relationship issues for almost 18 months and it’s not helping my mental health as I have PND (being in a pandemic with several lockdowns also hasn’t helped). I’ve tried t...
(378 words) My husband wants a professional sexologist watch us have sex s that she could give us pointers on how to improve our sex life!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
1415 days ago
28 March 2021 (F)
41-50 -
My husband wants to bring a third party into our relationship, but no, this isn't what you think. It's not about a threesome; he wants to bring a professional sexologist to watch us having sex and give pointers on how to improve our sex life, he says they'll also give us psy...
(704 words) How to deal with girlfrfiend's 'avoidant tendancies'
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
1444 days ago
28 March 2021 (M)
30-35 -
I have been dating a girl for a little over 3 months. I mostly feel very good about the relationship. The only problem is that she has strong avoidant attachment tendencies. I like to think that I am a particularly kind/patient/understanding person and so I am cautiously ...
(459 words) Sister in Law Marriage Issues
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
1444 days ago
27 March 2021 (F)
My friends sister in law is still a pain in their marriage I hate the way she can make her feel at times. Hello everyone my friend has been married now 6 years hubby is disabled and she has an adult special needs daughter she has posted on here how her sister in law is...
(270 words) How do I dial back on the troubled relationship I have with my sister?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
1443 days ago
27 March 2021 (F)
51-59 -
Thanks to all who respond, I am having a bit of a time with my sister. I really like and admire her but we are not all that compatible. I find her a borderline bully at times. She is kind but she talks to me in this tough direct manner and I finally asked her why. She said I ...
(276 words) My girlfriend refuses to get treatment for mental illness and her behaviour and attitude is really getting to me
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
1440 days ago
26 March 2021 (M)
36-40 -
Hi and thanks My gf and I have been together over a year. She is very moody which is getting to me. She will be sweet and loving, then aloof and rude. She does suffer from mental illness and chooses not to be treated. I try ot encourage her to speak with her ...
(146 words) My partner has a problem with me keeping a single, small picture of my late husband in my apartment
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
1445 days ago
26 March 2021 (F)
51-59 -
Dear cupid and everyone, i just wanna ask something. Is it really that bad to honor your late husband with just one Single little picture of him in your own apartment just for a respect? Beside you and your new Partner are not living in your apartment. Meaning to say, ...
(132 words) Why does my husband look at other women?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
1445 days ago
26 March 2021 (F)
51-59 -
when I was on holiday with my husband last year I noticed him looking over at a table where two couples were sitting having a meal. it was our last night on holiday and he said he was looking at the food one of the women were having as she was having octopus. he kepted looking ...
(323 words) I don't think my husband worries if he makes me happy in bed
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
1116 days ago
26 March 2021 (F)
51-59 -
Myself and husband have sex at least 3 or 4 times a week and I dress up, do oral and get on top. I think the sex is ok but I have had better with one man from years ago which I enjoyed more cos of what he done to me. my husband says the sex is ok too but I think he would li...
(264 words) I want to help my wife with her troubled work situation but I am unsure how to
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
1446 days ago
26 March 2021 (M)
41-50 -
My wife Sabrina works in the film/TV industry in Hollywood, and her job effectively can't be done from home, or not very well (she hates doing it over Zoom) and I'm suspecting she may be depressed; she usually loves her job. My wife works in a managerial role and she was neve...
(831 words) How often does the average married couple have sex?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
1448 days ago
25 March 2021 (F)
41-50 -
This is a pretty simple question I guess. How often does the average married couple have sex? ...
(25 words) Will men in general settle for having average, lacklustre or even bad sex over NO sex at all?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
1448 days ago
25 March 2021 (F)
30-35 -
I know this is a generalization. But would you say it is reasonable to assume that many or most or at least some men would take average, mediocre or even bad sex over having no sex at all? For example, if they are on a business trip or away from their wives or gf's, if they ...
(147 words) My long-term partner Maria constantly thinks I'm checking out guys and we've argued over it
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
1446 days ago
25 March 2021 (M)
36-40 -
My long-term partner Maria constantly thinks I'm checking out guys and we've argued over it. I've been with Maria since 2015; she's a professional model, although her work is largely catalogs and sportswear, nothing remotely titillating despite what people think about her ...
(482 words) I'm hopelessly in love with my teacher
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
1447 days ago
25 March 2021 (F)
18-21 -
I have a slight problem...I really like my teacher! I know there are lots of these questions about but I really need an answer! Well ever since I've known him I've had feelings for him. It started off just a small crush but over the past three years they've gotten stronger....
(279 words) I'm pregnant with my stepbrother's baby. How do we tell our parents?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
1447 days ago
25 March 2021 (F)
41-50 -
Dear cupid, I am in desperate need of some advice. My boyfriend and I are pregnant. Now here's the problem. My boyfriend is my step brother. Even worse we live directly above our parents. Its a separate apartment. Now we've had feelings ever since we saw each other 10...
(158 words) My fiance forgot he was still married??
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
1446 days ago
24 March 2021 (F)
36-40 -
MOD NOTE: For the sake of those who love to call out posts being "troll"...I have my doubts about this but let it through anyways so save the comments please!!! My fiance John told me last night that he had a big confession to make; the confession was that he was already ...
(734 words) Husband not happy with wife's ex
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
1440 days ago
23 March 2021 (M)
41-50 -
My wife and I are not in sync anymore. Both of us are professionals and make enough money to keep certain lifestyle. She is wonderful, She is hot and the love of my life. She comes from a great family high in morals and education. Me on the contrary I'm a self made businessman. ...
(359 words) Casual Nudity with Mother In Law
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
1451 days ago
23 March 2021 (M)
36-40 -
This past summer, my wife, kids, and I went on vacation with my in-laws. We shared a lovely condo on the beach. Since we were at the beach, I went shirtless most of the time and typically just wore my swim shorts or athletic shorts with no underwear around the condo. I ge...
(433 words) I'm unsure what to do about a female stalking me. The cops won't do anything!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
1433 days ago
23 March 2021 (M)
41-50 -
I'm a delivery driver, and been doing the job for 14 years now, got it at the end of the last recession, but it's a stable job. I've got a problem which is causing me a lot of stress; a female nurse is stalking me, and the cops won't do a thing about it. It began with h...
(502 words) My uncle stepped in after my father passed away. Would it be appropriate to ask him to walk me down the aisle when I marry?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
1446 days ago
23 March 2021 (F)
26-29 -
When I was 10 years old, my father passed away. My uncle (my dad's brother) stepped up to the plate and helped my mom, my brother and I out. My uncle was single with no kids of his own and he always spent time with my brother and I, even before my dad died. My uncle paid ...
(175 words) Girlfriend texting guy she never mentioned before
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
1449 days ago
22 March 2021 (M)
26-29 -
Hey there. So my girlfriend and I have been together for 8 months now, and I need some advise. She is texting some guy on a regular basis (I see the snaps coming in on her phone when we're together sometimes), and that in it self doesn't bother me. The thing that I worry abo...
(114 words) Can't seem to get along with boyfriend's sister and aunt, how to break this cycle?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
1450 days ago
21 March 2021 (F)
36-40 -
Hi all, I've been with my boyfriend for 2.5 years and I just can't seem to connect with some female members of his family. First off, had a weird interaction with his sister and aunt on a trip 2 years ago where I walked in on them chatting, and they did the thing...
(550 words) Did the tarot reader tap into a spirit?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
1449 days ago
21 March 2021 (F)
41-50 -
Hi all, a bit of a strange question but I have my own tarot cards and split with my boyfriend a few weeks ago, I've taken to asking the cards the present and future and I keep picking negative cards. So I asked a friend what she thought of Tarot cards and she said she knows s...
(189 words) How to improve my dating life, and how to understand the gay dating scene
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
1347 days ago
21 March 2021 (M)
36-40 -
I am a 35-year-old man and my dating history's been more like "close, but not quite dated". I've met people in the past who've been interested in me, then cancelled the date for whatever reason - this was in the late 2000s (around 2007-2009) before dating apps etc. were c...
(652 words) Should I just bite the bullet and invite an old friend out for coffee and see how it goes?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
1453 days ago
21 March 2021 (F)
41-50 -
Hi, I'm in my mid forties and have had a crush on a childhood boy/ man now, for years. We've never had a full conversation before besides saying "hi". From what I've observed, he seemed to be the quiet type when it comes to girls/ ladies. Our families have multiple connections ...
(431 words) Did I just make up everything in my head? He finally told me we are just a FWB relationship
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
1445 days ago
20 March 2021 (F)
26-29 -
I've met a guy four months ago and we hit it off from the very start. We texted multiple times a day, every day first thing in the morning, last thing before bed. We went on official dates, slept over at each other's (had amazing sex), cooked meals together, cuddled a lot, ...
(546 words) I'm not sure whether to end this relationship or keep dating or what!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
1451 days ago
19 March 2021 (M)
For over a year, I have been "dating" a woman who I met at a folk dancing club, the only time I have met anyone in open play, although that was the goal of attending Her life has been a ripping yarn, indeed she has written 3 unpublished novels. She was born in the London bo...
(669 words) I was brave and told a co-worker how I felt but he's sort of left me hanging
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
1451 days ago
19 March 2021 (F)
30-35 -
I have recently bravely declared my feelings to a colleague *R whom has recently left the supermarket Morrisons company a week ago to train for a new working from home job. Me and R shared banter and bonded well. I told him one to one privately how I felt, and he said it took ...
(213 words) My fiance is getting threats from his employees because he's telling them they will have to stop working from home
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
1454 days ago
19 March 2021 (F)
36-40 -
My fiance took over a local business in August 2019, but couldn't legally start running it until January 2020, per the contract signed during the sale. I'm an American expat in South Africa, been here since 2013. Then came COVID19, and well, he had to force employees ...
(820 words) My fiance and I are considering become a throuple with her ex girlfriend
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
1451 days ago
18 March 2021 (M)
41-50 -
I've been with my fiancee Becky for 8 years, we got engaged in 2018 and are getting married in 2022; it was planned for 2020 but got cancelled, first due to our work schedules from January to March, and now the coronavirus pandemic. I'm 38, my wife's 43. I've had one re...
(985 words) My ex lover wants me to send back the vibrator he gave me as a present
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
1451 days ago
17 March 2021 (F)
30-35 -
This is a pretty bizarre and embarrassing question, but I need someone to tell me what I should do. I dated a guy for just over a couple of months, and it was pretty intense fairly fast (this was when the pubs and bars were still open). He got me a remote controlled silen...
(557 words) Me, Him & His Sugar Mama
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
1178 days ago
16 March 2021 (F)
36-40 -
So back in 2009 I went on holiday for a few months to my homeland. My father owns a home there so that’s where I went to stay. A man who I didn’t know came to the house one morning looking for my father, he said he used to work for him and noticed someone was in the house so...
(1627 words) We want to move back to the US but with everything going on we don't know if we could swing it financially
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
1347 days ago
16 March 2021 (F)
41-50 -
We're American expats residing in Mexico, and both really want to move back due to the current crisis, but have worries; finding a job and racism. My husband does NOT want to take a McJob, claiming "At 48, I'm too old", and he says he can't do his current job effectively anyw...
(282 words) I'm worried about my ex and my fiance being in a relationship
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
1455 days ago
16 March 2021 (F)
41-50 -
I've become concerned about my fiance Simon; he's been spending a lot of time with my ex-boyfriend John, and now rumours in the neighbourhood are that they're in a sexual relationship together. I broke up with John in 2013 and got with Steve in March 2014; broke up with Jo...
(345 words) I have anxiety about being in photos which makes it difficult in this world full of social media. How can I cope?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
1457 days ago
16 March 2021 (M)
51-59 -
I am an older man in my 40s who is really having trouble adapting to social media and the digital world it has spawned. It's not because I am not tech savvy, because I am. I am a software engineer by trade. It's because I have a bad self-image. I don't like my picture ta...
(718 words) My husband's actions make me feel like he doesn't listen to me or think my opinions are important
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
1457 days ago
15 March 2021 (F)
51-59 -
I am looking for some insight into why my husband does what he does. We’ve been married twenty years I have noticed for a very long time that when I will say something or give an opinion he will often appear to listen but often just agree or just not engage much with it . Then ...
(325 words) How can my family help my sister with an abusive mentally relationship? The police won't step in
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
1457 days ago
15 March 2021 (F)
36-40 -
I have three sisters. One of my sisters, Victoria (not real name), who's 36, left her partner due to domestic violence (after a 1.5-year long relationship, they moved in together not long into the relationship and she only moved in with him to get round lockdown rules a...
(667 words) I am declining to go to a wedding. What is an appropriate response if asked why I can't attend
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
1453 days ago
14 March 2021 (M)
36-40 -
I have a "friend" that I known my whole life because our dads work for the same company. We went to the same high school and hung out often. As an adult, I can't stand him. He always wants to go places but wants other people to pick up his tab. He always makes plans with...
(227 words) Go home or not go home?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
1457 days ago
14 March 2021 (F)
22-25 -
Hi... I am really struggling with my mental health and have had anxiety, mood and eating problems for years. I was doing fine until my home country and the country I study in went into second lockdown, on which i fully relapsed into my eating disorder and have experienced...
(341 words) Why would my new boyfriend still be talking to his old girlfriend?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
1457 days ago
14 March 2021 (F)
41-50 -
Hey y'all. My boyfriend of 6 weeks and I have run into some interference from his ex girlfriend of 8 years. He moved to my country and we started dating after he broke up with her. She was not in touch with him at all during those 6 weeks and then suddenly she texted him a week ...
(233 words) Archives (all questions):October 2024 (4) September 2024 (15) August 2024 (2) July 2024 (22) June 2024 (29) May 2024 (20) April 2024 (25) March 2024 (32) February 2024 (17) January 2024 (30) December 2023 (16) November 2023 (22) October 2023 (32) September 2023 (35) August 2023 (37) July 2023 (43) June 2023 (47) May 2023 (40) April 2023 (24) March 2023 (30) February 2023 (35) January 2023 (43) December 2022 (33) November 2022 (30) October 2022 (31) September 2022 (44) August 2022 (46) July 2022 (58) June 2022 (92) May 2022 (105) April 2022 (101) March 2022 (76) February 2022 (63) January 2022 (98) December 2021 (65) November 2021 (78) October 2021 (77) September 2021 (84) August 2021 (100) July 2021 (77) June 2021 (65) May 2021 (67) April 2021 (77) March 2021 (91) February 2021 (84) January 2021 (64) December 2020 (72) November 2020 (92) October 2020 (89) September 2020 (82) August 2020 (105) July 2020 (90) June 2020 (66) May 2020 (83) April 2020 (78) March 2020 (83) February 2020 (80) January 2020 (101) December 2019 (129) November 2019 (99) October 2019 (94) September 2019 (81) August 2019 (112) July 2019 (123) June 2019 (115) May 2019 (133) April 2019 (114) March 2019 (130) February 2019 (112) January 2019 (137) December 2018 (136) November 2018 (153) October 2018 (133) September 2018 (146) August 2018 (180) July 2018 (151) June 2018 (163) May 2018 (197) April 2018 (195) March 2018 (217) February 2018 (205) January 2018 (233) December 2017 (206) November 2017 (238) October 2017 (248) September 2017 (231) August 2017 (268) July 2017 (254) June 2017 (284) May 2017 (252) April 2017 (285) March 2017 (325) February 2017 (311) January 2017 (370) December 2016 (303) November 2016 (326) October 2016 (372) September 2016 (342) August 2016 (276) July 2016 (357) June 2016 (355) May 2016 (375) April 2016 (350) March 2016 (365) February 2016 (385) January 2016 (442) December 2015 (424) November 2015 (433) October 2015 (356) September 2015 (420) August 2015 (464) July 2015 (433) June 2015 (412) May 2015 (485) April 2015 (461) March 2015 (493) February 2015 (452) January 2015 (499) December 2014 (505) November 2014 (511) October 2014 (588) September 2014 (580) August 2014 (646) July 2014 (569) June 2014 (605) May 2014 (554) April 2014 (510) March 2014 (546) February 2014 (604) January 2014 (654) December 2013 (665) November 2013 (613) October 2013 (677) September 2013 (688) August 2013 (744) July 2013 (814) June 2013 (813) May 2013 (1045) April 2013 (1135) March 2013 (1225) February 2013 (1181) January 2013 (1220) December 2012 (1169) November 2012 (1236) October 2012 (1270) September 2012 (1261) August 2012 (1343) July 2012 (1380) June 2012 (1386) May 2012 (1506) April 2012 (1386) March 2012 (1408) February 2012 (1475) January 2012 (1535) December 2011 (1519) November 2011 (1577) October 2011 (1756) September 2011 (1807) August 2011 (2002) July 2011 (2065) June 2011 (2273) May 2011 (2520) April 2011 (3004) March 2011 (3386) February 2011 (3408) January 2011 (3808) December 2010 (3636) November 2010 (3721) October 2010 (3706) September 2010 (3475) August 2010 (3548) July 2010 (3488) June 2010 (3285) May 2010 (2906) April 2010 (2967) March 2010 (3033) February 2010 (3007) January 2010 (3273) December 2009 (3088) November 2009 (3004) October 2009 (2847) September 2009 (2900) August 2009 (3317) July 2009 (3654) June 2009 (3369) May 2009 (3338) April 2009 (3770) March 2009 (3673) February 2009 (3419) January 2009 (3948) December 2008 (3209) November 2008 (3226) October 2008 (3217) September 2008 (2799) August 2008 (3106) July 2008 (3063) June 2008 (3032) May 2008 (2827) April 2008 (2860) March 2008 (2695) February 2008 (2273) January 2008 (2262) December 2007 (2176) November 2007 (2499) October 2007 (2563) September 2007 (2331) August 2007 (2504) July 2007 (2519) June 2007 (2078) May 2007 (1858) April 2007 (1898) March 2007 (2038) February 2007 (1927) January 2007 (1914) December 2006 (1649) November 2006 (1613) October 2006 (1538) September 2006 (1417) August 2006 (1294) July 2006 (1203) June 2006 (1179) May 2006 (1218) April 2006 (981) March 2006 (921) February 2006 (865) January 2006 (1148) December 2005 (845) November 2005 (726) October 2005 (636) September 2005 (497) August 2005 (461) July 2005 (505) June 2005 (424) May 2005 (406) April 2005 (381) March 2005 (332) February 2005 (340) January 2005 (284) December 2004 (51) November 2004 (58)