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Archived questions from:
December, 2016 (see latest questions)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
Do abusers set out to deliberately hurt the self esteem of another?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
2775 days ago
31 December 2016 (F)
51-59 -
Are there seriously people who will try to bring down a partners self esteem by making them feel bad about them self is making them feel too old for anyone else to want and not as attractive as other women ( or men ) etc . I ask because I've recently been reading up on emoti...
(131 words) Why tell me about this other girl when he knows how I feel? We live in different countries
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
31 December 2016 (F)
36-40 -
My online friend recently changed his bio from in a relationship to single after 3 weeks . I asked him about it and he said that they didn't have social media so that was why. But earlier that week he told me that he wasn't going to tell me their name as it was obvious I would ...
(212 words) How can I reason with her?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
2978 days ago
31 December 2016 (M)
30-35 -
My girlfriend of 4 years always avoids conflict so we don't argue. That is annoying considering we stay silent rather than face solutions. For example it's New Year's, she is working at her Xmas party till midnight. Because she is working I can't meet her. What annoys me mo...
(97 words) How do I tell a sexting creep I'm not interested without hurting him.
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
31 December 2016 (F)
41-50 -
Hi every one, I need help to tell him I'm nit interested. I had a one night stand about 5 months ago, and have been texting him since. But he has tried sexting me for a few weeks now, I keep trying to change the subject, but he's not getting the point, how can I tell him I'm ...
(89 words) Am I over-reacting to the news that my Gf of 8 months failed to tell me (until very recently) that her friend was also her ex ?
This question has
19 answers
- newest was posted
2969 days ago
31 December 2016 (M)
41-50 -
My gf of 8 months and i have been hitting it off great, discussing issues that come up. She recently informed me that she had dated one of her friends-- who we've both hung out with at parties on a lot of special events, ie birthdays etc. I was surprised and dont know how to...
(168 words) Do gay men ever fantasize about women?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
2994 days ago
31 December 2016 (M)
51-59 -
Am wondering about something, Am straight, an fantasize , about what it would be like to suck a guy off, it really turns me on,do guys who are gay,ever fantasize about having sex with a woman, ...
(37 words) How can I meet this guy?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
31 December 2016 (M)
30-35 -
So there was this guy I fancied and asked him for a drink but he ignored me....... anyway I'm over him now but just discovered a friend of his. He was on a the to series first dates and I had this instant attraction to him when I watched it just like I knew he was the one f...
(157 words) My husband is constantly looking at other women and doesn't even try to hide it
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
31 December 2016 (F)
51-59 -
My husband constantly looks at other women not a slight glance a full look , and repeatedly looks at same woman if we are out on a social event . I feel very upset by this as surley the woman in question can see that he is with me yet still looking at her . We have 4 children ...
(142 words) I still haven't met his teenage daughter after a year of dating and I'm tired of feeling like a mistress
This question has
26 answers
- newest was posted
2861 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
51-59 -
Hi everyone! I've been dating my BF for over a year now and he has a 14 told daughter. last year, two months into our relationship, he suddenly disappears for 2 months without even a text or a call. Although I had just started to date him, I was devastated that he disappea...
(346 words) I hate being alone and will do almost anything so that I am not
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
2775 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
26-29 -
A few weeks ago I posted a question about being reallyyyyyyy sad all the time I am an honours student in university, I have a great life at home, I am well off financially, and I have everything I need (not to toot my own horn but I have a very good life). But I don't have...
(237 words) Does he possibly still like me? Is it normal behaviour to spend Xmas with your ex and not with a child he fathered?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
36-40 -
Me and my ex split in November 2013 due to him leaving for a new job then couple months later me finding out he met someone he knew and having a kid with her. Which I've asked many times but he will always denie anything. Anyway Feb this yr he randomly messaged me with...
(202 words) I just broke up with my BF and I am upset. Any advice. please?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
2995 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
36-40 -
I told my boyfriend of almost 7 months that I loved him. He didn't say it back. I asked him why and he said he just doesn't feel that way. And that when he feels it he will let me know. He had a very nice ex girlfriend for two years and he said he never told her he loved ...
(186 words) Does a bruise on my boyfriend's stomach mean he is cheating?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
36-40 -
My boyfriend came home with a noticeable bruise to the right of his belly button last night and this concerns me. We have had rough sex many times but not recently. I asked him where he got it and he said he has no idea and just noticed it himself the day before. I alrea...
(328 words) He is two different boyfriends in one. Mr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. He's making me feel scared. what should I do?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
2970 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
26-29 -
MODNOTE FREE UK resources added by the Moderator: Phone 0808 2000 247 in UK and . . . . . . . . . . my b...
(314 words) What do I do? Don't want to split up. Yet also don't want a Bf who behaves like a cheater 2.
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
36-40 -
hiya everyone me and my fiance have been together for 3 years. A few month ago he started to add women on facebook the women he added were the type of women he said he would like as a girlfriend. I asked him why he was adding them (he hardly uses facebook) and he said he hadn'...
(169 words) A friend has a crush on a guy. I would like to see them become a couple. Or should I help her to get over him?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
30-35 -
Hi, My problem is that my best friend is obsessed with her crush and I am obsessed with getting them together. All we both do is talk about this GUY. My friend's obsession is quite understandable because she had a breakup and was very depressed. But why am I obsessed? ...
(91 words) Why is this happening? He has no time for me. I am fed up and ready to just walk away!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
30-35 -
My boyfriend and i have been together for four years now we have three girls together and now we are having problems because he doesn't involve me in any part of his life what so ever. He doesn't invite me out anywhere when he goes out with his friends doesn't tell me about an...
(102 words) I've given her support over the years. But now she seems to have dropped me. Should I just accept her rejection and move on?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
2995 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
36-40 -
My friend is mad at me after constantly asking me for advice and not liking my advice. Okay I have this friend from college - we met in class 3 years ago and kept an in-class friendship, we messaged almost every day on Facebook but we live 3 hours apart and any time I am in...
(997 words) Do you think my ex is deliberately calling me on purpose? Is he seeking my attention? Or is it likely that the calls were an accident?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
30-35 -
We were together for 7 years, and broke off 4 months ago. He missed call me today (on social media) at 8am. And I texted "u called?" He said it was accidental. So I didn't reply. Then he missed call again at 130pm. I texted this ":/" Then he said "Sorry accidentally." ...
(93 words) He lies about money, I am fed up with being his doormat!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
2775 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
I would love your opinions please on whether I am being unfair or judgmental. Me and my husband have been together for 15 years. Over the years I have caught him out in lies over money. About five years ago his aunt passed away, I knew she had left him some money he told me ...
(257 words) How do I tell my boyfriend I'd like to watch him masturbate
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
2775 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
51-59 -
I have a fantasy and I am not sure how to approach my boyfriend about it. I don't want him to think I'm weird/something wrong with me or to embarrass him. I know it is natural for men to masturbate and I have no problem with him doing it. However, when I think about him doing ...
(323 words) Is he not interested or just bad at texting?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
30 December 2016 (F)
26-29 -
Recently I've been talking to a guy, we live a long distance from each other so our main form of communication is texting. At first we texted frequently and the conversation flowed. However after a few weeks he kept taking longer and longer to reply, he did apologise for this ...
(198 words) Can you be pregnant with negative test results?
This question has
18 answers
- newest was posted
2925 days ago
29 December 2016 (F)
30-35 -
I had sex with a guy one night in September. I dont really remember what happened but i know we had sex. We used a condom but i am unsure if he secretly slipped it off or of the condom may have failed. It isvDecember now and my stomach looks pregnant, and mu coworker even asked ...
(124 words) He is moving too fast, talking children, houses and marriage. He already has three kids.
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
29 December 2016 (F)
36-40 -
I need some advice I met this guy years ago down the pub via mutual friends he admitted he liked me never felt that same way. He then stopped speaking to me due to new gd etc and now has 3 kids with her who is now an ex September those yr he sees me in my road he's a bin man ...
(290 words) I've only had one night stands or FWB ... how do I ask a girl on a date?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
29 December 2016 (M)
30-35 -
Hi guys, I've never had a girlfriend before or been on a date up to yet, more because I've been happy being single rather than an inability to speak to girls. Basically my experience with girls has been one night stands and a few fwbs. However, I've decided that it ...
(321 words) What hope is there for a boyfriendless virgin? I think about sex, a lot. What can I do?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
29 December 2016 (F)
22-25 -
Hi so I'm 17 and I'll be 18 this following year. Whilst I've had "situations" or issues with guys I've never had a boyfriend and never had sex. There was a time where I was close to sleeping with a guy I did not even want to be my boyfriend, but my sense of decency kicked i...
(614 words) Is it possible for men to move on so quickly?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
29 December 2016 (F)
41-50 -
Hi, I need some advice. I was in a relationship with a guy for one year. We had a great relationship until September this year then we started to argue because his behaviour changed towards me and I also fell out with my best friend because I thought they were cheating on me ...
(162 words) I did the most stupid thing I've ever done. How to repair the damage? How can I make it up to him?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
29 December 2016 (F)
36-40 -
Im an idiot for what i did . Theres 2 guys , one texts a lot and makes a lot of effort through texts the other could make me wait a few days for a reply . the one who texts me a lot i see a future with but he drags his feet wanting to spend time with me ( he admitted he likes...
(304 words) He is clearly lying, but why does he keep doing this? I don't know why??
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
29 December 2016 (F)
41-50 -
I'm so confused!! I was friends with my ex for 3 years and seeing him the last year. The break up was bad as I accused him of seeing someone. He repeatedly denied it but he had lied to me a couple of times previously (just white lies he said to protect me) He dumped m...
(475 words) Is AB more important to my Bf than he implies? I believe he loves me. But I only sharing him with AB?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
2996 days ago
29 December 2016 (F)
26-29 -
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 4 years and some change. When I left for college he became really close with a female friend( I'll call her AB). I do know her but I don't know her that well because we were never friends we just all know each other because we went to h...
(874 words) Is it normal for a 69 year old man to have only one topic he wants to talk about, namely his 30 year old divorced daughter. Is it worth continuing this relationship?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
2775 days ago
29 December 2016 (F)
51-59 -
I am 54 years old and met a really nice man who is 15 years my senior. He is divorced and has two daughters one aged 34 and the other in her twenties. On our first date he made a toast to his eldest daughters success in getting a promotion. (interesting - but I did...
(663 words) My marriage is emotionally unfulfilling and dead. Should I stay or leave?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
2994 days ago
29 December 2016 (F)
51-59 -
I'm in a marriage that could be described as comfortable . Both of us treat each other very nicely , the sex is good on a physical level ( although no emotional component really ) and we have built an good life together over twenty year . The problem is that we have never ...
(469 words) How do I avoid the kiss on the first date?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
29 December 2016 (F)
41-50 -
Hi, I have a question and would appreciate your help. I'm not an American and this is the first time I'm dating here, 3 years after divorce. I'm 39 and my date is 42. He is single, indian and educated and moved to the US when he was so young. I'm not an Indian by the way. We ...
(114 words) Messy situation with my housemate...we had sex and were almost a couple and now he doesn't want anything to do with me
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
2990 days ago
28 December 2016 (F)
36-40 -
I need help! I've gotten myself into a really stupid situation with a guy and I have no idea how to behave with him! I moved into a new place around 7 months ago, sharing with three new housemates. I'd initially thought one of them (a guy) was gay, so I was quite surprised ...
(940 words) Why has my Boyfriend changed his sexual style to a more conservative one, to the style he favoured previously? Could he be cheating?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
2991 days ago
28 December 2016 (F)
36-40 -
Hello friends. I have been in a long term relationship with my boyfriend. We have always had a good time experimenting with each other sexually. We have a good bond and have connected from the get go. And we have also had stellar chemistry and a great sexual rela...
(397 words) Is there any way I can repair my friendship with her?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
2993 days ago
28 December 2016 (M)
26-29 -
Well,I just have a colleague which is a girl and she likes me. I used to talk to her after getting out from work on the way home.After some weeks I had some thoughts flying through my mind (not about her).I started to stop talking to her. Now we used to talk just for...well ...
(192 words) Shy. It's making it difficult for me to develop a relationship with any women I meet. Any tips to help me get over my shyness?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
2775 days ago
28 December 2016 (M)
41-50 -
I'm a guy who's grown up very shy and has recently become single. My shyness is only when it comes to taking things further with a girl- I get on with women, I flirt and am even brave enough to ask for the first date, but when it comes to making the move (kissing, sex) I am ...
(137 words) Should I marry a man I don't love? Is it time to settle?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
2996 days ago
28 December 2016 (F)
41-50 -
Should I marry a man I don't love? I have a friend who really likes me I told him that I really like his company, I think he's a nice person but there is no spark. He told me that despite the fact I don't love him he would wait for me and marry me if I am not married by a...
(280 words) Can our relationship work? we have a baby on the way but the father of the baby has an addiction. Should I break up with him and move back with family?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
2991 days ago
28 December 2016 (F)
30-35 -
We have a baby on the way and he is addicted to marijuana. I had my own personal addiction to it myself but after realizing I was with child, I don't need it anymore. I want my child to have the extra money instead and to use it to benefit as a family, however he is content wi...
(339 words) I told him that I liked him but he just said that let's go with flow. Am I just a friend to him?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
2991 days ago
28 December 2016 (F)
26-29 -
I told one of my guy friend that I liked him but he just said that let's go with flow. From that day we started texting a lot. It's been 9 months.. I don't know where exactly we stand.. We talk and meet up sometimes but we haven't talk on this topic. I don't know what to do....
(121 words) Is it wrong for a man to look at and flirt with women other than his significant other?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
2996 days ago
28 December 2016 (M)
41-50 -
Is it wrong for a man to look at and flirt with women other than his significant other? Why or why not?...
(22 words) How can I make this work, with her? We both need to lose weight, but her motivation is waning.
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
2963 days ago
28 December 2016 (M)
41-50 -
I want to be fit. I want that for my girlfriend too. So does she. She complains about how clothes look on her. She is very attractive but could be in better shape. Obviously, I’m on board. She is all talk but little action. I tried to make it a thing we do together. It...
(185 words) My ex fiance treats me like a best friend
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
2997 days ago
28 December 2016 (M)
41-50 -
My ex fiancé broke up with me 4 months ago. We were together for almost four years. At first she needed space and was confused because she couldn't get over issues in our past. She wanted time and for me to back off and give her space. We have continued to live together due ...
(450 words) Mom told me I can't see my boyfriend. Should I take a taxi and go there?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
2997 days ago
28 December 2016 (F)
22-25 -
I want to go to my boyfriends house, but my mom told me I can't tomorrow! I looked at taxi services in my area and was wondering should I call a taxi and go to his house without my mom knowing and then come back home before she gets home?? ...
(52 words) I have a serious health issue and cannot have penetrative sex. Will I ever be able to have a normal relationship?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
2986 days ago
28 December 2016 (F)
30-35 -
Guys, would you date a 29-year old woman who is unable to have penetrative sex and unable to bear children? I'm wondering because you guessed it: that person is me. I have a really bad case of vaginismus (had it all my life for as far as I can tell) and a connective tissu...
(338 words) How can I help my autistic brother have a normal life?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
2997 days ago
28 December 2016 (F)
30-35 -
I would like some advice on what to do when you're autistic, aware of the way you differ from other 'normal' people, but still want to have a normal life that involves getting a job and a partner? I am asking on behalf of my brother because I am at a loss on how to help him....
(508 words) The way he treats me makes me so confused. Can we develop our relationship?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
2991 days ago
28 December 2016 (F)
30-35 -
Hi all, I have met a guy on Tinder. He is an expat and will work in my home country for a few months. Yes, I had sex with him on a second time we met but we have not labelled our relationship or even set any rules and agreements between us two. The problem is that I think I h...
(314 words) I like men but sometimes I want to see what it would be like to have a relationship with a woman also.
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
2991 days ago
27 December 2016 (F)
36-40 -
I like men alot but I want to see what it would be like to date a woman since I once had a fantasy of my fourth grade teacher years ago in my mind. She had ginger hai I also would look for red haired women in the Internet and would kiss their picture also. I once wrote about ...
(81 words) Did he ever love me at all? Is he a narcissist?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
2998 days ago
27 December 2016 (F)
36-40 -
I am here to vent/advice/ any input at all.. I am starting to think and believe my ex boyfriend was a narcissist. and wondering if he ever loved me at all. he and I were together for a couple years "in love" and would introduce me to friends and family as his future wife, the...
(213 words) Am I freaking out for no reason? He hasn't texted in 3 days!
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
2994 days ago
27 December 2016 (F)
30-35 -
Hello, I'm a 22 year old single mother. I haven't dated much and it's been 2 years since my last serious relationship. I recently met a guy at the mall a few weeks ago. Well we have been texting the past couple weeks and then this past Wednesday we went on a date. He took me...
(611 words) Archives (all questions):October 2024 (4) September 2024 (15) August 2024 (2) July 2024 (22) June 2024 (29) May 2024 (20) April 2024 (25) March 2024 (32) February 2024 (17) January 2024 (30) December 2023 (16) November 2023 (22) October 2023 (32) September 2023 (35) August 2023 (37) July 2023 (43) June 2023 (47) May 2023 (40) April 2023 (24) March 2023 (30) February 2023 (35) January 2023 (43) December 2022 (33) November 2022 (30) October 2022 (31) September 2022 (44) August 2022 (46) July 2022 (58) June 2022 (92) May 2022 (105) April 2022 (101) March 2022 (76) February 2022 (63) January 2022 (98) December 2021 (65) November 2021 (78) October 2021 (77) September 2021 (84) August 2021 (100) July 2021 (77) June 2021 (65) May 2021 (67) April 2021 (77) March 2021 (91) February 2021 (84) January 2021 (64) December 2020 (72) November 2020 (92) October 2020 (89) September 2020 (82) August 2020 (105) July 2020 (90) June 2020 (66) May 2020 (83) April 2020 (78) March 2020 (83) February 2020 (80) January 2020 (101) December 2019 (129) November 2019 (99) October 2019 (94) September 2019 (81) August 2019 (112) July 2019 (123) June 2019 (115) May 2019 (133) April 2019 (114) March 2019 (130) February 2019 (112) January 2019 (137) December 2018 (136) November 2018 (153) October 2018 (133) September 2018 (146) August 2018 (180) July 2018 (151) June 2018 (163) May 2018 (197) April 2018 (195) March 2018 (217) February 2018 (205) January 2018 (233) December 2017 (206) November 2017 (238) October 2017 (248) September 2017 (231) August 2017 (268) July 2017 (254) June 2017 (284) May 2017 (252) April 2017 (285) March 2017 (325) February 2017 (311) January 2017 (370) December 2016 (303) November 2016 (326) October 2016 (372) September 2016 (342) August 2016 (276) July 2016 (357) June 2016 (355) May 2016 (375) April 2016 (350) March 2016 (365) February 2016 (385) January 2016 (442) December 2015 (424) November 2015 (433) October 2015 (356) September 2015 (420) August 2015 (464) July 2015 (433) June 2015 (412) May 2015 (485) April 2015 (461) March 2015 (493) February 2015 (452) January 2015 (499) December 2014 (505) November 2014 (511) October 2014 (588) September 2014 (580) August 2014 (646) July 2014 (569) June 2014 (605) May 2014 (554) April 2014 (510) March 2014 (546) February 2014 (604) January 2014 (654) December 2013 (665) November 2013 (613) October 2013 (677) September 2013 (688) August 2013 (744) July 2013 (814) June 2013 (813) May 2013 (1045) April 2013 (1135) March 2013 (1225) February 2013 (1181) January 2013 (1220) December 2012 (1169) November 2012 (1236) October 2012 (1270) September 2012 (1261) August 2012 (1343) July 2012 (1380) June 2012 (1386) May 2012 (1506) April 2012 (1386) March 2012 (1408) February 2012 (1475) January 2012 (1535) December 2011 (1519) November 2011 (1577) October 2011 (1756) September 2011 (1807) August 2011 (2002) July 2011 (2065) June 2011 (2273) May 2011 (2520) April 2011 (3004) March 2011 (3386) February 2011 (3408) January 2011 (3808) December 2010 (3636) November 2010 (3721) October 2010 (3706) September 2010 (3475) August 2010 (3548) July 2010 (3488) June 2010 (3285) May 2010 (2906) April 2010 (2967) March 2010 (3033) February 2010 (3007) January 2010 (3273) December 2009 (3088) November 2009 (3004) October 2009 (2847) September 2009 (2900) August 2009 (3317) July 2009 (3654) June 2009 (3369) May 2009 (3338) April 2009 (3770) March 2009 (3673) February 2009 (3419) January 2009 (3948) December 2008 (3209) November 2008 (3226) October 2008 (3217) September 2008 (2799) August 2008 (3106) July 2008 (3063) June 2008 (3032) May 2008 (2827) April 2008 (2860) March 2008 (2695) February 2008 (2273) January 2008 (2262) December 2007 (2176) November 2007 (2499) October 2007 (2563) September 2007 (2331) August 2007 (2504) July 2007 (2519) June 2007 (2078) May 2007 (1858) April 2007 (1898) March 2007 (2038) February 2007 (1927) January 2007 (1914) December 2006 (1649) November 2006 (1613) October 2006 (1538) September 2006 (1417) August 2006 (1294) July 2006 (1203) June 2006 (1179) May 2006 (1218) April 2006 (981) March 2006 (921) February 2006 (865) January 2006 (1148) December 2005 (845) November 2005 (726) October 2005 (636) September 2005 (497) August 2005 (461) July 2005 (505) June 2005 (424) May 2005 (406) April 2005 (381) March 2005 (332) February 2005 (340) January 2005 (284) December 2004 (51) November 2004 (58)