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Archived questions from:
September, 2005 (see latest questions)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
I'm revolted by the idea that my husband had sex with his cousin...
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
6252 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
My husband told me that he had sex with his cousin 3 years before he met me. I'm totally sickened by it. They are in their 40's. My husband still wants to hang with her. I want nothing to do with her. I think they both were disgusting, but I look at her even worse. I want ...
(125 words) My husband's mum and son are controlling our relationship, making him choose them or me!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7101 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
My husband of 6 months has left me. I am a mother of 3, 17,16 and 12. My husband has a child also at 12. I had an hysterctomy 4 weeks ago, which didn't go well as ended up in theatre again due an internal bleed, ending in ICU. Then my husband left 2 weeks later with no explanat...
(498 words) I'm with my dream girl at last... only I'm afraid I might 'wake up' to find I've lost her!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6542 days ago
30 September 2005 (M) -
I've just started seeing a girl that I have loved for years. We had a bit of a thing years ago. Since which I've been through three relationships that hurt me badly and she's got a little 5 year old girl. The thing is is that I am finding it so hard to relax and go with the ...
(109 words) We struggled to help our son start his new business, but he's just bone lazy!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7103 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
My 21 year old son started his own window-cleaning business about six months ago. My husband and I did everything we could to help him - giving him the almost exclusive use of our car, helping him out with petrol money,keeping his accounts, ticketing housing estates for more ...
(312 words) The man I'm dating seems to have had an ample sexual history...
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7092 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
I have been seeng somone for a few months who seems to care about me but he has been telling me things about his past that I am finding it impossible to digest. He married his first wife at 22 and at 34 had an affair with her sister who came to stay. He still loved his wife ...
(374 words) Is this just pre-wedding jitters? I can't stop thinking about a guy from work...
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6562 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
Someone please help me...I am in pain emotionally. I am getting married in a few months time and I am supposed to be happy but I am confused. There is this guy in the office whom I met when I started work last year. There is some physical attraction though I won’t say he is...
(192 words) I've got his phone number. Can someone help me with advice on how to ask him out?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7100 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
I'm interested in a guy who works temp. for the same company I work for. For the past few weeks we've made small talk. He just recently told me that he was losing his job, so I offered to help get him another and exchanged phone numbers. Well, I want to invite him out on a...
(88 words) A year ago, he said he's wait for sex until we were married. Now it's like he hates me...
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7093 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
I'm 20 and he is 32. Me and my boyfriend have been off and on for a year and a half. We met at work and he says he felt in love with me the first time he saw me. He knew he wanted to marry me. Then I told him that I was a virgin and wanted to wait until I got married and aske...
(160 words) My boyfriend isn't sure which of us two girls he loves more!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7102 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
I am a teenage girl I have been seeing the guy of my dreams. I liked him since the end of last year, finally he asked me out. We already made love and our relationship is getting deeper. One night he went to a party, I couldn't make it. He went and saw the girl he used to ...
(137 words) Could my partner really have been blackmailed into sleeping with another woman for 6 months?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7098 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
My partner and I have been together for 5 years and we have a 17 month old daughter. I love him very much but I recently found out that my partner has been cheating on me for the last 6 months. He says that it didn’t mean anything and that he was blackmailed into it. He claims ...
(181 words) Sex gives me uncomfortable flashbacks of finding myself pregnant!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6237 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
I was 19 when I found out I was pregnant by a man who I’d been seeing for 9 months. He said that he would wait until I was ready before we had sex but one night on my birthday he took me out to a club, he got me drunk and took advantage of me. I woke up the following morning on ...
(278 words) Not attracted to men, I can't really see myself as a lesbian either...
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6158 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
I didn’t know where to turn but here I found a website where I can voice my confusion. It is difficult to say, but my problem is beginning a relationship. I have been confused about my sexual orientation for a long time now, about six years. This along with other reasons ...
(277 words) All we do is argue, but I can't imagine leaving him... Help me!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5357 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years. I love him very much and know he loves me. The problem is for the past few months we have done nothing but argue. I am so unhappy and have even thought about leaving, but I know I couldnt imagine life without him. We disagree about ...
(368 words) Our relationship has always been long distance, so I don't have much experience in any of the usual things!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
7103 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
I am 27 and for the last 9 months I have had a long distance relationship with a guy I dated 10 months ago when I visited his country. At the time he had just ended a relationship with his girlfriend. I have pretty strong feelings for him. He always teases me about the fact ...
(414 words) When we're apart, I get worried that my boyfriend will leave me for someone new...
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6798 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
Hi, thanks for being willing to help me with this! What's going on is, I like his guy and he likes me, and we both live apart. Even though that kind of sucks because sometimes I fear he'll lose feelings for me from being away. I have trust in him, and I know he wouldn't...
(303 words) My girlfriend is going through so much! I just want to know how to help her talk about it.
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
6616 days ago
30 September 2005 (M) -
I have a big problem. My girlfriend won't ever tell me what is wrong and she has confronted me about this a few times. I do not know what to say and freeze when I know something is wrong. She is going through a lot right now and I want to be there for her. I love this gir...
(179 words) The fact that my lady friend is being stalked by a workmate makes her hesitant to consider a relationship with me...
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
7104 days ago
30 September 2005 (M) -
I just met the girl of my dreams but she just got out of a very bad relationship and the guy keeps stalking her. They both work for the same company. She came to visit me in Key West durning the Poker Run last month. Then a hurricane came thru, Katrina, and she invited ...
(416 words) We broke up promising to be "friends", but now she's mad because I called her!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
7104 days ago
30 September 2005 (M) -
Me and my girlfriend of 2 years just recently broke up. It was because of one stupid arguement but I guess you can say the separation was a long time coming. When we were together it was perfect and we were both full of love. We even had talked about marriage. Then because ...
(193 words) I'm always the one to initiate sex with my boyfriend. The lack of intimacy is driving me mad!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
30 September 2005 (F) -
I don't boyfriend never seems to be in the mood. I ask him if anything is wrong....I try to get him in the mood, and that usually doesn't work. I am usually a very affectionate person, but this lack of intimacy makes me feel like I'm losing my mind. If I knew ...
(77 words) Too shy to talk to the girl directly, I sent her a poem and a rose instead...
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
7104 days ago
30 September 2005 (M) -
Hi I have fallen for a Girl and am too shy to go and speak to her I didn't know what else to do so I sent her a rose with a poem telling her that I liked her and that I wanted to ask her out. I left a text number but she didn't reply. I guess she is not interested but n...
(117 words) Will we still be together when it's time for my boyfriend to leave for overseas?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7104 days ago
29 September 2005 (F) -
My boyfriend and I have been together for 9 months - he is 23 and I'm 20, and I can honestly say I've never felt this strongly about anyone before, and he has all the qualities that I could want in a person to spend my future with. I'm pretty sure he feels the same way about me...
(191 words) I'm trying to make new friends, but one single rejection and I'm devastated!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7105 days ago
29 September 2005 (M) -
I want to try and improve on social skills by going to pubs and bars and making general small talk. Sometimes it goes well, but it really only takes one bad chat, and I'm right back there on square one again. Even when it does go well, it's not quite as well as I would like, ...
(140 words) I'd love to end things with my current boyfriend, so I can start anew with my first love...
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7104 days ago
29 September 2005 (F) -
I have been dating someone for six months. He is 51 and thinks the world of me. I have tried to finish with him three times because he has done some very dodgy things. Both his marriages failed because of infidelity, the first with his wife's sister (20 years ago). He says ...
(242 words) My brother molested me, but I'm ashamed to admit it happened!
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
5898 days ago
29 September 2005 (M) -
Hi, my name is Jamie. I am 16 years old. My big bro (20 years old) molersted me when I was 10. I thought it was OK at the time because he said it was, but now that I'm older I realised it's NOT. I'm awfully embarrassed about this, but it can't be kept a secret. My brother ...
(83 words) Would it be OK to date my ex-husband's cousin?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5322 days ago
29 September 2005 (F) -
I am a recently divorced. My question is, is it OK for me to date my ex husband's cousin? He and I have been really good friends for 4 years and we want to take it to the next level. What are your thoughts on this and how should we go about going public with it? By the way ...
(75 words) When I'm alone is when I miss my ex the most... but I want to get over him!
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
6024 days ago
29 September 2005 (?) -
I have just broken up with my boyfriend and even though we weren't happy together I am finding it hard to get over him. I don't want him to get with anyone else even though I know we dont get on. Does anyone have any good tips on how I can get over him? I find it hard to ...
(72 words) Not sure if my feelings for my boyfriend are genuine, so I keep breaking up with him.
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7105 days ago
29 September 2005 (F) -
Me and my ex boyfriend have going out on and off for the last 3 years. Whenever we've split up it's been my choice because I just get all confused and maybe want more or something. We last split up in June/July and now I'm really missing him. He treated me so well and was so s...
(111 words) My girlfriend shaves her legs in public...
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6634 days ago
29 September 2005 (M) -
I am 21 and my girlfriend is 19. She shaves her legs in public - when we were on the beach she did it, and got attention (negative!) What do I do about this habit of hers?...
(41 words) I love and trust my boyfriend to enjoy the company of his friends, but I don't feel the need to go out with them...
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
7104 days ago
29 September 2005 (F) -
Dear Cupid, My boyfriend and I have been living together for just under a year and it’s been great so far, except now he is starting to complain that I don’t spend enough time hanging out with him and his friends. Lately, I prefer to stay home and relax by myself while he goes ...
(183 words) I just wanted to share a story with my partner, but his reaction was unexpected!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7104 days ago
29 September 2005 (M) -
Recently while on lunch, a shy young gent came up to me, saying that he hopes he's not being to forward or assuming things. He said that he has noticed me many times before and that he found me very attractive and that he'd like to go for coffee and get to know me better. He ...
(332 words) My ex and I still talk and meet sometimes. Does that just prolong the break-up?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7104 days ago
29 September 2005 (F) -
Im a 31 divorcee (of 3 yrs) and have recently split up with my boyfriend of 1 1/2 yrs. He too was separated, his wife cheated on him 3 yrs ago. He says he loves me but his head's all screwed up, and not just because of his ex - I'm sure he's depressed but he won't open up to ...
(196 words) Are my ex and his roommate gay..?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7105 days ago
29 September 2005 (F) -
My ex has a male roommate to save on expenses. They go everywhere together, cook for one another, buy each other birthday gifts, and they're planning a vacation to the Virgin Islands--together....Am I being presumptuous to think they may be gay or is the writing all over the ...
(50 words) I want to marry my boyfriend, but my mom is totally against it!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
7104 days ago
29 September 2005 (?) -
I really need help. I'm 18 and have been with my boyfriend a long time. In 3 months time he wants to get married and has had a vasectomy. He is getting it reversed so we can start having children. Problem is I'm in great risk of losing my mom if I do. My mom is never happy wi...
(106 words) The guilt of our falling in love with each other made my soulmate to pull away from me!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
7105 days ago
29 September 2005 (M) -
About a year ago I realised my relationship was going nowhere but was happy to accept it for reasons of security. Six months ago I fell in love with my partner's best friend and she with me. We fought our feelings at first, but eventually had to give in to them. As this was...
(197 words) I still love my ex, and she's single again. But to get together with her means breaking up my new relationship!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6792 days ago
29 September 2005 (M) -
I was with my ex girlfriend for almost six years. She was married throughout the relationship but we were deeply in love and she never once made me feel like the other man. In fact went to great lengths not to. She attempted to leave her husband but has small children and could ...
(305 words) Did we screw up by sleeping together before we get married?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7105 days ago
29 September 2005 (F) -
Hi! Okay it's like this. I'm 24 librian and he's 35 librian. Both single and both been with 3 partners each. I have been very good friends with this man for 5 years no but only together 7 weeks. During this time we have always had a connection but on his part it was always s...
(179 words) My new girlfriend is confusing! Does she like me, or doesn't she?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
6358 days ago
29 September 2005 (M) -
I have recently started dating this new girl and am confused about the signals see is giving me. I met her at a party and we hooked up (we were both sober). I liked her but see didn't like me. Then about a month later, she all of a sudden, liked me and we are now dating. ...
(164 words) I don't feel like I measure up to my boyfriend's ex...
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7105 days ago
29 September 2005 (F) -
I have been going out with my boyfriend for 1 ½ years. I’m 23 and he is 27. Recently my boyfriend is starting to talk more and more about his ex girlfriend whom he had been going out with for 5 years on and off until she got pregnant by him and had an abortion without him ...
(333 words) Are my problems with sex and intimacy a result of my abuse?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
6637 days ago
29 September 2005 (?) -
My world changed when I was 12. I was sexually abused by my mum's boyfrend. Nobody knows and they're still together now. Only thing is I find it really hard to open up to people. I often sit in my room by myself. There's so many thngs in my head that I just want to get out of ...
(141 words) He wasn't the source of our problems, and I realise that. Is there a chance for us to try again?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
7105 days ago
29 September 2005 (F) -
I was with a guy long distance for a while, then I moved to be with him and it was too much too soon. He called it off. He has since called me and said he doesn't know where we stand and I just let him know i wasn't angry (I now realise a lot of our problems were not his faul...
(220 words) I thought he'd chase me, but I'm chasing him!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
7058 days ago
29 September 2005 (F) -
Hi,I broke up with my bf of 18 months cos I felt he was taking me for granted and thought he would fight for me. He chased for 1 week and then it backfired in my face and I ended up begging him back. I know he loves me and if I didnt break up with him we woud still be together...
(97 words) I know I was insecure and I accused him. Now, how can I get him back?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6930 days ago
28 September 2005 (F) -
I need to know how I can possibly put my realationship back together. I know I messed it up between us because I was a jealous person who always acused him of something that he did not do, due to my insecurity. I really want to get him back but he will not even talk to me he...
(105 words) When I know I have to move on, I start avoiding my intimate relationships. Why?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7087 days ago
28 September 2005 (M) -
Why do I keep doing this? Whenever I am with someone for a long time, I develop a deep relationship with them but whenever time comes to move on due to my career demands or something else I tend to forget my relationship and start avoiding the people as if I do not want to ...
(122 words) He's more into porn and less into me. What can I do?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
7080 days ago
28 September 2005 (F) -
I've noticed my boyfriend has recently been searching for porn on the web and recently we haven't been having sex half as much as we used to. Is it me?...
(30 words) Can't stop thinking about my doctor, even though I'm engaged and he's married...
This question has
41 answers
- newest was posted
5153 days ago
28 September 2005 (F) -
I am 23 years old and have been with my fiance for 6 years. I have seriously attracted to my doctor. My doctor is 33 years old and is married. He also have two kids with his wife. I can't stop thinking about him. I think about him at work, school, in bed etc. He alway seem ...
(86 words) We weren't really together, but it still hurt that he'd have sex with someone else!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7105 days ago
28 September 2005 (F) -
I have known this guy for five years. We were off and on. He had sex with this other girl. We weren't together but we still hooked up, and I told him if he ever did that I wouldn't talk to him ever again. I found out that he lied to me and that he did that. I told him I wo...
(166 words) My husband is a hoarder and when I try to talk about it, he puts up the wall...
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7105 days ago
28 September 2005 (F) -
The bottom line is that I'm fed up with my husband's disregard for me. I really don't know what to say to him because it's just a waste of time. When I try to discuss anything he always gets nasty, yells and puts the wall up. His behavour intimidates me so much that I walk ...
(190 words) I'm scared of being on my own and I think that's making me too clingy with friends!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7105 days ago
28 September 2005 (F) -
I have a problem which I experience a lot and it is that I'm just too dependant on everyone in my life. I hate being on my own and I feel so pathetic all the time because I need someone there to talk to or to do something with, as I get bored and lonely if I stay in. I've...
(213 words) He starts texting, then he stops. Now he's disappeared. What's the deal?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7102 days ago
28 September 2005 (F) -
Hey! Im a 16 year old girl. I really fancy this guy J* who is a couple of years older than me. When we first got to know each other, he was sweet and I started really liking him, so we started texting each other, just a bit of fun. Then he turned nasty when he thought I had...
(373 words) I want to say something to the girl at school, but something keeps stopping me!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
7106 days ago
28 September 2005 (M) -
Please help me, I really like this girl in my school and I see her every day. I am getting stressed out because it is like one part of me says say something to her and the other side is stopping me from doing this. Has anyone experienced this before? Please can someone help me! ...
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