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Archived questions from:
August, 2005 (see latest questions)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
Our meetings seem to go well, but it's always me that does the initiating!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
7134 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
Hi, I met this guy a couple of months ago when out one night. We started mailing each other and have met three times for coffee. I have initiated the last two meetings and they appeared to go quite well. He mails me every day and says he enjoys meeting up. However he has n...
(86 words) I picture my ex when I'm making love to my current boyfriend!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6212 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 3 years on and off. But for thoes 3 years all I could think about is my ex boyfriend! I will be making love and I will picture my ex's face on his. I know this is really bad for my part, but I have no idea what to do!...
(60 words) My mates told lies about me to her, but now I'd like to get to know her!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7133 days ago
31 August 2005 (M) -
Hi, I'm a 15 year old boy. Last year there was this girl I really liked. But because I couldn't talk to her without laughing and because I told my mates that I thought about her all the time they told her and said I'd said I had kissed her, so she freaked and was angry at me ...
(111 words) I want to avoid my friend's husband, because I can't help feeling lustful around him!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6602 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
I think I have fallen for my friend's husband which I know is really dodgy. I have been with my other half for 12 years now and it really hit home last night when we went to a party that they were holding. He is a generally friendly guy and likes the women but I suppose because ...
(284 words) Can I love two guys at the same time?
This question has
26 answers
- newest was posted
4683 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
I am 19 years old and I have a boyfriend but just recently I have been having feelings for another guy. I still love my boyfriend but every time I see this other guy I fall in love with him. Is there somthing wrong with me or it normal to have feelings for two guys at the same...
(70 words) My partner says he'll look for more work, but instead he hangs out with his sister...
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7132 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
I love my b/f of over 2 years. In March he quit his full time job in order to work part time doing something he loves. We are strapped financially and I am feeling the pressure and work full time plus a second job. He says he is looking for full time work but spends every ...
(77 words) I moved out and I'm ready to move back in!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7131 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
I recently moved out of my boyfriend of 4 years' house, at his request. We are finally starting to get together again more, but he still won't let me move back in. What can I do to move things up a little bit? We are not broke up, we are still together, but he thinks that we ...
(90 words) Once she got a boyfriend, my friend started spending all her time with him!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5105 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
My friend has a new boyfriend in her university so she leaves me alone. She always stays with him, does everything with him such as eating, shopping. Actually I want her be happy with her boyfriend but I think she didn't care about me. It makes me feel lonely. Please give m...
(64 words) We broke up because my daughter comes first in my life. But now I regret my haste!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7132 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
OK.. I was dating this guy who I really was falling in love with. We got along great and everything was going well. There was one problem, I have a child and he wasn't sure how ready he was to take on a "family situation". He is 3 years younger than me. We talked about me...
(300 words) By the time I realised I was in love with my ex again, he was with my best friend!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7121 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
My ex boyfriend and I started hanging out as friends about a year ago. We saw each other nearly every day and we became best friends. We both had feelings for each other but didnt tell one another for about 5 months. We finally started going out four months ago. I wasn't s...
(258 words) Should I tell my fiancee what a slut I've been over the past few months?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
7132 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
Ok so I feel like a total slut even asking this question but my guilt is tearing me apart....I have been with my fiance for almost two years and we are getting married next year...The last few months I have been cheating on him..six different times with five different guys...I ...
(167 words) I'm afraid that our relationship won't last, because of the distance between us...
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
7130 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
My Boyfriend and I have been together three years on and off. One year ago, I decided to travel to the UK to work. Initially he decided he wanted to stay put, but after I left, he decided to follow me over, as he missed me. Thing is, one year later, he had decided to go back ...
(172 words) Left my husband to be with my lover... Now my lover has moved on!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
7131 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
I am in need of some advice before I become totally consumed by my problem. I have been married for 18 years, the past five I have been having an affair with a single man. I loved him deeply and still do. Late last year I started to become really frustrated with the situatio...
(419 words) What problems might I encounter with an introduction agency?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
7069 days ago
31 August 2005 (M) -
I am a lonely 59 year old male, seeking to use a Thai introduction agency to find a wife. Having already had two broken marriages I feel that this is the only way for me to find happiness. I am worried however, that any bride I find, may like me for my money, rather than love ...
(68 words) What do I do after telling her I like her?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7134 days ago
31 August 2005 (M) -
Simple question really. How do I get the girl of my dreams when she only knows my name and knows little else? I told her I liked her but I don't know what to do next. What should I do?...
(41 words) What can I do to stop thinking about a family friend?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7131 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
I am 16 and have just realized that I have always had feelings for someone. The problem is he is about 30, married, and a family friend. I know I am not in love with him but I can't stop thinking about him and I am finding it hard to talk to him when I'm around him. What shall ...
(70 words) My boyfriend can't decide whether to be friends or lovers!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7131 days ago
31 August 2005 (?) -
My boyfriend and I have problems now for a while. A couple of weeks ago I got the impression he doesn't want me around and that im in the way. He says I'm causing him to be depressed and that he just wants to be friends. However when we do break up after a couple of week...
(211 words) Can't get the thoughts of my affair out of my head!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
7134 days ago
31 August 2005 (?) -
I still love this married man. After 2 1/2 months after the affair finished. He was my cousin's son. I'm trying to get on with my life, but every day I can't get the thoughts of him out of my head. I'm still with the partner I was with when I had the affair. I confessed to him...
(127 words) We see each other... we have sex. Now I'd like us to be boyfriend/girlfriend.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7131 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
I wonder if I can have your opinion please.. I started texting this guy in April - I'd seen him around and so I managed to get hold of his number. At first he was quite slow to reply, but the more we got to know each other the more he replied. We met up for drinks a few...
(418 words) Do I tell him about my finished affair, and risk losing his love?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
6841 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
Hi, I'm a 20 yr old girl. I wrote an anonymous question about an affair I had on my partner of 5 yrs. I'd like to thank the people who answered my question; it gave me a wake up call. The advice was fantastic but now I have another issue! I have ended this affair but my bo...
(122 words) After a disagreement, he wanted time to think, but I ended it instead!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
7134 days ago
31 August 2005 (F) -
I need help ASAP! My boyfriend of 2 months and I had one of our disagreements and told me he needed a couple of days off to think and cool off. I didn't think he needed to think about anything, it wasn't like it was a MAJOR decision he had to think about! So I told him if he ...
(79 words) I love travelling and I don't want to feel like I have to ask my partner's "permission" to go!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
7134 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
I have been with my partner for a few years now. We have a great relationship even though we are very different. I have a love of travel and discovering new places. I take 3-4 vacations a year. I am financially independent and my partner and I do not live together. He does not...
(315 words) He missed me and made plans to visit... but then his email got less frequent. What does it mean?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
7126 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
This year I became involved with a guy I met online, who lives in another country. After some months of talking, he came to visit me this past summer for 2 weeks. It was a great visit, however he was a little cautious with me. We had a talk about this and cleared the air- he ...
(244 words) The online-guy won't give a name, email or picture...
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7133 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
I have a friend who has been chatting online to a guy for about 2 weeks. He won't give his e-mail, name or picture to her. What does everyone think?...
(30 words) My husband can't show any emotion...
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6793 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
My husband, who may I add is a wonderful caring man, is not interested in sex or kissing and has never masturbated or cried in his life. I feel like I am cracking up. I just want to feel something from the man I love, but it is now getting me down and I am wondering if I ever w...
(94 words) I can only feel aroused if I have an emotional or intellectual connection already...
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7134 days ago
30 August 2005 (M) -
Dear Cupid, I am a 25 yrs old guy and have been finding this thing hard to understand for a long time now. I only feel aroused when i am able to connect emotionally / intellectually with a girl. Just watching beautiful girls with less clothes doesn't create even the slighte...
(203 words) Still trying to move on from my ex...even 9 years later...
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6311 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
I have been married for 8 years and been with my husband for 9 years. We have 1 child. When I met my husband over 9 years ago, I was on the rebound from an ex boyfriend who was soon going to be my fiance. To make a long story short, my ex and I broke up because of the d...
(672 words) What do I say to the sexy girl at the library who keeps smiling at me?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
7125 days ago
30 August 2005 (?) -
I go to my local library nearly every day. I love it, but when I see this girl(17-20 years old) so she's about five years older than me. The thing about her is that she is damn sexy. She gives me this really really weird smile. She has a boyfriend but I fancy her. Sh...
(96 words) Does my stubborn streak justify his threats?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
7135 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
A woman who is a real stubborn "B", to her boyfriend, because is too stubborn to communicate in a calm fashion, or too stubborn to take his constant criticism. Does she deserve to be verbally threatened by her man? No actual physical abuse, but very verbal. Does she dese...
(101 words) I want to leave my relationship because I'm so unhappy... but I don't want my kids to hate me!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5582 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
In my previous marriage my ex-husband was very abusive (physically and emotionally). It was to a point where he got really violent where I was afraid to be under the same roof as him. So, therefore, I had to get out of the relationship and got a divorce. We were married for 1 ...
(409 words) What's the order of priority in a relationship?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
7078 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
I need lots of input on this one, from all types. Single, married, with children, without children When responding please state that status, it may help me to understand. Here is my question. In a relationship, who comes first, the children or the spouse or your s...
(97 words) He wants a "relationship", but he hasn't told his mum, or been out in public with me!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7134 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
I've been seeing my bf for just under a 5 months now, although we have known each other a year. We met online. It started out as just casual fun, meeting for sex once a week. Eventually he told me that he wanted more, when I asked him to explain he said he wanted us to be in a ...
(352 words) My partner's mum hates me. I don't even know why!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7131 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
I am currently 19 and my partner is 20. We have been together for 2 yrs now and are expecting our first baby. His mother has never met me or spoken to me properly but yet she hates me. At first I thought it was my appearance but I have tried changing it a little but this doe...
(404 words) He found out I lied about the number of men I've had sex with!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
7131 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and half. We just had a baby 2 mths ago and he recently found out that I lied about how many men I have been with in my past. He now wants nothing to do with me and we live together. How do I fix our relationship?...
(57 words) I regret cheating on my boyfriend, but I just can't say "No"...
This question has
44 answers
- newest was posted
3822 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
Hi, I'm 20 and in a five year relationship with the best guy in the world. But recently I have been messing around with one guy I have become very attached to. It's been happening a few months. I love my boyfriend and am very happy in my relationship; I don't want to be messing ...
(174 words) Three years ago, I broke up with her. I want to go out with her, but she won't say why she won't
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
7135 days ago
30 August 2005 (M) -
I broke up with my girl three years ago, because of peer presure and now I want it back. Everyone said that I could do better and said countless negative things about her. She had just moved into my town and had not really settled in, so she was different and nobody liked he...
(585 words) She might be the right girl for me, but I barely know her...
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7134 days ago
30 August 2005 (M) -
Hey Cupid, I'm only 16 and been in love heaps of times, but I have found the right girl (I think). I hardly know her but she is always on my mind. She is only 14. Is there anything wrong with that? I dont know what to say to her. I dont know how to approach her. I believe...
(75 words) I think I look awful because I feel so fat!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
6245 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
I have a huge problem. I had a bmi of 21.5, I am 5'10" inches tall and weighed 150 pounds up until 2 months ago. I am now 166 pounds and I am miserable. I walk around feeling ugly everyday and I have not gone home because of how awful I feel about the way I look. I do not feel...
(192 words) What can I do to get him to notice me?
This question has
21 answers
- newest was posted
5025 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
I'm in love with this boy and he doesn't notice me, even though I'm very pretty and very smart. What should I do?...
(23 words) Don't know if I should stay and try to work things out with my partner... or leave and start over with a guy I'm attracted to!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7131 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
I'm going through a divorce and now find myself in the middle. I been talking to a guy friend for a while now and I think I have feelings for him. My divorce took a pause for about 2 weeks because me and my soon to be ex were, out of nowhere, getting along like we never di...
(206 words) Since breaking up I just can't get past the hurt, because I miss him so much...
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7051 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
My boyfriend and I broke up 5 months ago. We were pretty serious and were well on the way to getting married and planning. His work was away and happened that he met another woman and came home and promptly broke with me for her. He has now moved to another country to ...
(395 words) After I sent a text I regretted, I just want to say that I'm sorry...
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
7135 days ago
30 August 2005 (F) -
I recently dated a guy who seems quite up and down in his emotions. Despite us splitting up (his choice, and quite out of the blue!) I have good reason to believe he still has feelings for me, but he won't discuss it. In my infuriation I over-texted him, getting to the stag...
(164 words) I know I have to let go and move on, so how do I do that?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
7059 days ago
29 August 2005 (M) -
How do I let go? I wrote July 15, 'I broke every rule I have' about a relationship I had had with a woman that I'd had a crush on in college some seven years ago and found last fall working in my same office building. We began hanging out together and were involved through ...
(286 words) How do I start to discuss a lie that I told my fiance?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7136 days ago
29 August 2005 (F) -
I lied to my boyfriend about being divorced when we started dating. We now live together and are engaged. I have started the divorce process, but I am afraid this will come up later and just want to come clean so that their are no more lies between us. Any advice on how to ...
(57 words) After his cybercheating and tantrum, I just want him to leave!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6102 days ago
29 August 2005 (?) -
I have a man in my life whom I naively and stupidly thought, loved me. Much of his actions do not coincide with true love..I am finding he's very selfish. I thought I loved him but now I feel he may be a controlling man and is taking advantage of my good natured personality and ...
(437 words) We both agreed that sometime in the future, we'd want kids and marriage. Now he says he's changed his mind!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7135 days ago
29 August 2005 (F) -
I've been with my boyfriend for nearly 7 years and we've lived together for 4 years. Up until recently we always agreed that at some point in the future when we're both ready we would get married and have children. Recently he has changed his mind and says that he is not s...
(103 words) We met on holiday, and live so far apart... Do we have a chance?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7134 days ago
29 August 2005 (F) -
hi my name is alex, 16, from Newcastle. I see a counsellor about my depression, as I used to be really fat but then I lost loads of weight and I am now happy the way I am, and also about the bullying back home, and the fact that I feel that I cannot trust anyone. but I rec...
(319 words) He has a girlfriend, so his affection and caresses were totally out of the blue!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
7127 days ago
29 August 2005 (F) -
Dear I came to know this guy in the office and one day he invited me for a dinner as he was leaving the country for some other country. And on that first night, we went to this indian restaurant. And he mentioned that he has a girlfriend, and he invited me for 3 more dinne...
(150 words) Since being pregnant, I'm totally uninterested in sex and affection...
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
7110 days ago
29 August 2005 (F) -
I've been seeing a lovely guy for over 2 years now. We live together and I'm now pregnant to him.(We're both 28.) The thing is, since being pregnant(now 10 weeks), I've gone completly off sex/affection/kissing etc. Now I'm worried cos I don't want to fall out of love with him...
(109 words) Things have changed. Now he looks at porn on the Web and is looking for a job in another country!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
7133 days ago
29 August 2005 (F) -
I have discovered that my boyfriend of two years whom I have recently moved in, with looks at porn on the net, which I understand lots of guys probably do. Also that he has been looking for jobs in Singapore on the net. Why would he be hiding this from me? We have just bou...
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