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Eep-ay eep-ay

, posted over a year ago

At times, a good pee is such a blessing.

Like that first morning pee when you have had a restless night as you are too loathe to get up and go pee as you are just butt tired...that whole confict of wants and needs that has you under rested and add to it when it is just too cold to see the appeal in sitting your tired arse down on a freezing loo.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...nothing, at that moment in time, can beat a forever pee.

Another good moment in my pee history was when I had just had the experience of passing a stone...I was sorely disappointed to be going home from the hospital minus a bundle of joy...any pain that has you vomitting non should at least walk away with a shiny new toy, ya know?

So that pee moment...

I had to go get an ultrasound to see what path the stone took and if there was a likelihood of more stones. I was instructed to drink five honking glasses of water three hours prior to my ultrasound. I am 5'5" and let me tell you...I remember downing my third glass and size and body weight-I'm petite framed...isn't factored into this, I just know it.

Three hours later and crying at every bump in Calgary's road system on the way to the clinic...I was praying to the toilet Goddess to lend me strenght to endure this most trying time. I would have let my pride at the snowbank and gladly have pulled down my pants and lift my leg up and colored the snow a violent yellow...I am quite certain of it. I would have cried with release.

So sitting in the office and having the supportive and newly BF was causually discussing how great it was to see the ocean off of California and how terrified he was to surf and see a fin and not know it was a dolphin's fin...and how much fun it was to be in the waves and how much he would love to have me run in the waves of some tropical ocean and lay on the white sands and then go for a fun swim...he meant sexual the teal of an ocean...yes it was deliberate.

I thought I was going to keel over from the abuse of having my bladder's capacity being abused.

I went to ask the nurse if I could pee and I really needed to. She took pity on such as I and gave me a thimble to pee in. It was actually one of those disposable paper cups but I had images of pee splattering out all over my hand and the cup would have been rocketed into the toilet.

It was not fun to have to fill HALF...half a cup. It didn't do a thing. I had to fight the great urge to never delight in a forever and much needed pee...a pee of all pees I was most certain. A pee that would go down in the bowels of vacating the bladder..I would have won the coveted golden toilet award I am positive.

I was done and left unsatisfied and YES I actually listened to the nurse and filled it a smidge over half way.

I told her, when she asked me how I felt, that I could spew out uring from my ears, nose, eyes and mouth at any given moment. She laughed hard and I thought how much I envy her for peeing herself.

Okay...ten minutes later and I was near crying for another cup to fill half way.

I rejoiced when the ultrasound tech told me my bladder was overfilled and that I could pee a FULL cup out. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

It was bliss.

And after the ultrasound was done and I got my gold star...


The tears of ecstacy...*wipes tears* *wipes self*

May I go to the bathroom? *pees self* Thank you.

Posted on 24 January 2007 @ 0:39 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

[laughs] Fascinating! 8]

Posted on 24 January 2007 @ 7:44 (London time) - permalink
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NikitaNikita, posted over a year ago

I need a pee

Posted on 24 January 2007 @ 9:40 (London time) - permalink
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WendygWendyg, posted over a year ago

Lol Malyce.... Thats happend to me on more than one occasion...

Such a relieve to get the scan over with and have that pee!

Also though one of those pees where you leave the pub not needing one, and you have to walk a little way to get home, its a bit cold and the last pint you had has decided to rear its head... The walk home feels longer and longer and your finding it harder and harder to walk, the more steps you take the more you want to pee, feels like you will explode at any moment and you think do I wait or do I crouch behind this car or find a bush, all diginty vanishing for the sake of pee... you know that as much as you want to go, you cant risk the next door neighbour seeing you peeing even though it is dark... your in complete agony before you get to the front door, when you do the key wont open the door as your fumbling around trying to get inside doing a little jog and hip hop as though thats gonna stop it!

You get to the loo without taking your coat or shoes off and the front door is wide open... but you dont care as you have made it to the loo and its complete bliss to have that pee... :o)

Posted on 24 January 2007 @ 10:40 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

I pee'd behind a bush once on the way home from the pub. It was pitch DARK, then all of a sudden there where these REALLY bright lights on me. When I looked up and my eyes adjusted there was a police car.

Have you ever tried to shut it off in mid-flow when you are tipsy AND pull up your knickers, and pull down your skirt AND RUN at the same time.....

You get wet legs.....

Posted on 25 January 2007 @ 0:15 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

It was grade gal pal and I...we were always mistaken for cousins...she was a goregous Japenese girl...the guys lusted after her constantly...I was the second best choice if she snubbed them...yes, things have changed...the boys grew up into men and have realized...they missed out


It was winter and we headed from her house to mine...we were half way when she told me to shut up...I was giving her advice about something...I told her that I wanted to smack her for being rude and she told me she had to pee.

I blinked at her. She told me I looked like an owl.

I arched an eyebrow and she asked me what we were going to do about he needing to pee bad. She was even doing the pee dance. It was funny and I couldn't help but think how many guys would be dreaming of being in my place as this presented and oppurtunity to drop her pants...

Well...she was crying as I told her let's see how far we can get to my house.

We crossed the busy street and she screamed. Guys actually think this stuff is cute. I'm not a guy.

I grinded my teeth and proceeded down an alley. She wanted to know what I was doing. I told her I was taking her down a dakr alley to kill her and hide her body. She laughed and then screamed and told me she really really really needed to pee.

I stopped and looked at her and asked her if she needed to pee yet?

She screamed again and laughed and told me to hurry and think of something.

Well the alley wasn't dark enough as it faced the busy street. So I just kept pulling at her jacket and leading her down another alley...where it was darker. I felt I should have a barrel of ale around my neck.

I asked her if she saw a dark enough place where she could have privacy.

She pointed to a corner lot that was dark.

I told her to go and turned my back. is too dark...she was scared.

I yelled out just hurry and pee already!!

She asked me to pee with her. I'm not making this up this actually happened.

I remember saying that I knew a guy who would pay good money for this....

I actually felt bad for her and so...we proceeded to drop our pantaloons and pee side by side...I heard her go ahhhhhhhh and I laughed.

I told her that the steam was warming my butt cheeks. She laughed.

I told her we should mold something out of the yellow snow to commemorate this special moment...a hallmark moment no less.

I pictured two bright white butts hanging in the dark and hoped are asses blended in with the white of the snow.

We finished.

We pulled up our pants and a light came on. There were hoots and hand clapping as college guys asked for a repeat performance.

She screamed and ran away.

I dropped my pants and gave them a view of my ass...I was bowing to be honest.

So I break a promise by sharing this story and I give a rat's ass.

Posted on 25 January 2007 @ 1:40 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I read this a few times over the last day and I just LOVE this part "I blinked at her. She told me I looked like an owl." I could very well imagine that... [chuckles] 83

"I told her that the steam was warming my butt cheeks."

Fantastic! Absolutely fantastic... 8D

Posted on 25 January 2007 @ 15:25 (London time) - permalink
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NikitaNikita, posted over a year ago

Okay, okay, all these pee stories have forced me to confront my own peefest which id buried deep in my psyche for fear of dying from humiliation but jeez, it actually feels good to let it out after all these years, no pun intended.

It was 1990 and me, my sister and a friend had been to a Charlatans gig. After, we were sitting in my sisters car waiting until we could hear again when we suddenly realised that the van in front of us was rocking side to side. At first, I thought it was my head rocking from side to side because Id had a few and was a tad merry. I held my head but the van was still rocking. As we watched, the back door suddenly and accidently fell open and two naked people were staring at us, their cheeks red, as were their faces. Of course we fell about laughing and it was then that I realised that i had TO PEE BADLY. We couldnt go back to the hall where the gig was cos it had shut so my sister said she would drive around to find a quiet spot. So, I crossed my legs tight and off we went. As we drove, a car load of boy racers sped past us. We just tutted and ignored them and eventually we found a gate which led into a field. I scrambled out the car and ran to the gate, climbed over it and crouched down in the long grass. Now bearing in mind, it was blowing a hooly and the grass was tickling my butt and i couldnt bloody pee even though my bladder was bursting. So i just tried to relax and closed my eyes while my sister told me to hurry up but still the pee wouldnt come. I shouted to my sister to pour the bottled water that we had with us onto the tarmac to try and trigger my pee so she did but that didnt work, so i asked her to make a peeing noise. As she was doing this and cursing me inbetween pee noises, I heard a mans voice say, 'Can I ask you what you're doing?' My eyes snapped open and I could see in the headlights of the car, a policeman standing there. He was talking to my sister at that point. I listened, frozen to the spot as the policeman explained that they were after a car load of people speeding and they thought it was us. My sister tried to explain it wasnt and she was signalling to me at the same time. When the policeman asked what she was doing, she didnt answer, trying to protect my dignity but he turned his flashlight on and shone it directly on me. So, there I was, pants and jeans round my ankles and grass up my butt. I smiled and said, "Hello officer", then I peed and I couldnt stop then and it was like Niagra falls.....Wow, im so glad I shared that with you, i feel so much better. I have another pee story involving a ferry full of passengers and a cow field but ill save that for another day;)

Posted on 25 January 2007 @ 15:53 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

That is the awesomeness Nikita! WOW! WOW! What the hell was that officer doing? Just staring that entire time? Hahaha... 8]

Posted on 25 January 2007 @ 18:54 (London time) - permalink
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NikitaNikita, posted over a year ago

He looked a little worldweary actually as if he'd experienced many women peeing in front of him and maybe he had, maybe he was that kind of guy but he did have the decency to lower the flashlight and let me finish in relative darkness. Im glad it was night though so he couldnt see the burning of my cheeks from shame.:)

Posted on 25 January 2007 @ 20:16 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

Which cheeks?

Posted on 26 January 2007 @ 12:20 (London time) - permalink
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NikitaNikita, posted over a year ago

All four of them:)

Posted on 26 January 2007 @ 13:41 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Well...I hope you mean my four and not my gal pals as...we weren't that close. *shakes head and laffs*

Even though it feels so amazing warm to pee outside in minus 28 weather...and you could imagine the warmth being so powerful it could generate enough heat to warm the upper cheeks...hate to disappoint but it was only the two.

I know, alot of broken hearts over this one.


Posted on 26 January 2007 @ 17:0 (London time) - permalink
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