, posted
over a year ago
Love Lockdown, sorry, bud..your question is really one for the site 'question' portion. Not here. Why don't you try it there. Go to the home page and click on "ask for help" I am certain you will get some very wise, helpful answers.
Just a general comment for the whole readership. I am beginning to think people use the forums for advice and gaining answers questions, simply,
1) they don't understand the process of asking for help or where to link to it
2) they don't want to be bothered waiting in line to having their question moderated, approved and put on the site. If so, that's unfair to everyone else, who goes through the proper process.
Let's all encourage question askers to do this the right way. The forums are just for general socialization activities..and/or for comments made on specific subjects.
Posted on 11 May 2009 @ 20:12 (London time) - permalink
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