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Iraq War Protest Pictures!

stinastina, posted over a year ago

Hey guys,

I took a bunch of pictures at yesterday's Iraq war protest in Washington, D.C. and have just posted 50 of them on my livejournal if anyone cares to take a look:


Posted on 28 January 2007 @ 14:26 (London time) - permalink
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NikitaNikita, posted over a year ago

Hi Stina. Just had a look at the pics. Wow, there's so many people! I wish I could have been there. I bet the atmosphere was unique. Do you think Bush will take any notice? Or will he just ignore the whole thing.

Posted on 28 January 2007 @ 15:16 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Great pics Stin, I was just going to message you and ask you how the day went! Those placards are great, shows a really strong view there it must have been great. Weird seeing you guys protesting in your capital, very signifigant for the rest of the world... :)

Posted on 28 January 2007 @ 15:46 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

I don't know if I have this completely right, but the way the rest 'of the world' thinks....but a lot of people asume many people in the USA are 'for' the war. Well, that is how it seems to be portrayed in some of the British media.

That looks like an awesome day. I truly hope it achieves something!!

Posted on 28 January 2007 @ 18:32 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Also I think generally the world sees American government and it's electorate in unison, you're a fearsly patriotic country. I remember once when we were flying low over new jersey I could see row after row of houses, all with American flags drapped on their gardens, I was like wow! kinda scary, but wow nevertheless. Unless it's for football, if you hang a British flag out your window in this country you're more or seen as quite an extreme patriot/BNP (fascist policial party) member. Interesting how the interpretation of symbols is culturally dependant.

It was good they let the protest go peacefully though. I was once at this protest (or perhaps more of an illegal gathering) and the police broke it up by a) flying a heliopter sporadically over the people to force them to run and then setting attack dogs on the rest. Thanks metropolitian police service, fun times :)

Posted on 28 January 2007 @ 18:49 (London time) - permalink
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stinastina, posted over a year ago


Nik - It was an awesome day. The speeches given by some of our congress people, veterans, family members of veterans and celebrities were really moving and inspiring. However, I don't think that Bush will listen. He has taken to call himself the "decider" (read: dictator) - which pretty much means he's calling the shots with everything and seems to forget that congress has a say, as well. THe good news is that the democratic party responds better when it comes to protests and hearing the people of the country out. And now that they've recently taken over the Senate and House, we will hopefully see some changes. Like one the speakers said at the protest, Bush is more concerned about "winning" than doing the *right* thing.

Pete - OMG, I couldn't believe some of the things I saw written on those postes. But you know what - I think that each and every one of those signs was believed by everyone - no matter how "vulgar" they were! :) lol Last time I went to a protest, there were plenty of signs to pick up and use for free - but they went too fast this year and I was left with nothing! :( But, I guess that's a good thing. heh

Willy - actually less than 1/3 of the population agrees with Bush, and those who do don't really seem to grasp exactly what the situation is. They still think that Iraq is responsible for 9/11 and/or had weapons of mass destruction ready to go. I guess they just watch Fox news (complete right wing bs news network). Too many people take what the media says without fact checking on their own. I think that coupled with the fact that this administration has been spewing out lies since the day it started has confused people and made things much worse than what it should have been. People actually attended the protest who were AGAINST the protest and thought we were "al-quaeda activists" (as one poster put it). But there were only 40 of them, and tens of thousands of us. :)

Pete again - When you flew over Jersey, was it right after 9/11 by any chance? People went crazy after that happened and people put the flag on everything! It was ridiculous - especially because people thought it'd be a great time to profit on something. So there were like flag shirts, flags for your car, a billion bumper stickers, flag pins, flag dog shirts, people were getting flag tattoos -- anything that could have a flag on it did. I guess for me instead of going all flag-crazy, I was more concerned about what our government was going to actually do.

But if you see flags any other time - usually it's bumper stickers now - then it is usually the sign of a staunch republican (aka - Bush supporter). Ugh.

You were at a protest and they flew a helicopter over you?! And then they set out attack dogs?!?! Jesus! Police need to calm themselves down sometimes - especially when it's not like you guys were rioting or anything, right? (But yeah, at least it's a good story! lol) What was the protest for?

Posted on 29 January 2007 @ 13:6 (London time) - permalink
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NikitaNikita, posted over a year ago

I dont pretend to know much about US politics or the Bush admin but what I see and hear does scare me. I had an oline row with an American the other day on another site about Bush. I expressed an opinion in which I said that the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq was less about revenge for 9/11 and more about Bush or the people behind him finishing what his father started and throwing their considerable wieight around. I said that the claim of weapons of mass distruction was a blatant lie. This guy told me that Im naive and that Bush would say anything so the army could get in there and exact a terrible justice for 9/11 and that if innocent people died then that was fair because it was a war. he also said that Bush was after Iran and North Korea and that he should annilate them. Chilling words from someone who truely believes that Bush is doing the right thing. if most Americans think this way then it scares me. 9/11 was a terrible thing but the people who commited that crime came from Saudi Arabia, most of them and I cant see Bush going to war on that country. Good on you Stina for sticking up for the minority;)

Posted on 29 January 2007 @ 16:55 (London time) - permalink
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stinastina, posted over a year ago

Yeah - there was no connection between Iraq and 9/11. There are theories (with documented evidence) that our government allowed 9/11 to happen, as well. Pretty much every reason of why we went to war over there has been proven false. That only leads people to come to several conclusions (backed by fact) the biggest one being that we're over there b/c of oil. (And that the president has a big head and a power problem.)

When it comes to Iran, Bush said that it's okay to kill Iranians if they pose a threat (while in Iraq). In other words - he just gave our troops permission to kill Iranians which in turn will probably cause them to declare war on us, so we don't have to delcare war on them. Bush is trying to be sneaky - but he just calls it "protecting ourselves." Psh. He's a lunatic that needs to go. You know he even admitted that he makes his next moves depending on what God tells him?? He actually said that God speaks to him and this is why he does certain things. Come on, people! Wake up! This guy is nuts!!

But I haven't heard too much about N. Korea for the time being, but I wouldn't be surprised if that idiot decided to try something. I'm so glad there's only two more years of his crap left to go. He wasn't even supposed to be president, anyway. Both times that he "won" office there was evidence that tampering with the votes occurred.

If you're interested, you could look at the Media Matters website. They monitor almost all US news networks, newspapers, conservative programs, etc and point out the lies they tell and what the facts really are (they include evidence to back their claims, as well). :)

Posted on 29 January 2007 @ 20:21 (London time) - permalink
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NikitaNikita, posted over a year ago

Thanks Stina, Ill check that out. yeah, I heard that about Iranians too and that he also wants to 'detain' and question any Iranians that are in Iraq as well. Im pretty sure that he's treading on some Human Rights laws here. he seems to think that he can do just what he wants and yeah I also heard that he admited that God speaks to him and tells him how to do things, and this man is the most powerful man in the world! He has no idea about how the middle east works, none. he has inflamed the situation ten fold and created hundreds if not thousands more suicide bombers and terrorists. We all now know that there were no WMD because if there were then Saddam would have used them or they would have fallen into the hands of terrorists by now so the only conclusion that most intelligent people come to is just what you said, the war was about oil and control of the middle east. I remember clearly when Tony Blair said that Saddam could strike at a European target within half an hourand thats why he had to be taken out. What blatant and arrogant lies and such a lack of knowledge too. I'll be glad when he goes, hopefully this year, not that the next PM will be much better. I fear for the Middle east and the rest of the world.

Posted on 30 January 2007 @ 11:38 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

Yeah thanks for that link, I am gonna go look and get better informed....


Posted on 30 January 2007 @ 13:25 (London time) - permalink
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