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Dear Cupid > Forums > Cupid's Lounge > Aunts and Uncles

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Aunts and Uncles

, posted over a year ago

Good to see you back Smeedle!!!!!!

Posted on 17 August 2006 @ 10:1 (London time) - permalink
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snowbirdsnowbird, posted over a year ago

Yeah, where've you been, cheeky-chops???

Posted on 17 August 2006 @ 10:14 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Yes, I see a large group of women huddled together around a massive bonfire out in the woods somewhere, chattering and giggling here and there... Sake bottles every where...

Reminds me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail scene where Sir Galahad finds some nuns who need a good spanking...

Ah, yes, Smeedle, that Port-satayed roo... Welcome back. 8]

Posted on 18 August 2006 @ 9:12 (London time) - permalink
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snowbirdsnowbird, posted over a year ago

Yep, you change there, eh?? I'm off for the w/e, see ya folks...Now, where DID I put that hip flask?

Posted on 18 August 2006 @ 14:49 (London time) - permalink
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