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Dear Cupid > Forums > Cupid's Lounge > It really bugs me..

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It really bugs me..

, posted over a year ago

How people say write thing like "EVERY guy" does this and "EVERY girl" does that..

For instance "EVERY single guy looks at girls beside their gf."

But my hubby doesn't. And I don't look at other men either.


I know i know.. he just does it when i'm no looking.. but no. He doesn't. He never looked at a girl sexually before me. Sounds weird but i was his first gf and he was raised to believe that it was perverted to look at a girl's body and judge it and that you shouldn't do it unless you are emotionally involved with that girl. So he told me the first time he checked me out was like, the second after our first kiss. (which adorably, he wasn't good at because he'd never done it before).


is there anyone else out there like this? Does anyone believe me?

Posted on 27 June 2009 @ 21:12 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

As with all aspects and the 'nearly' infinite layerings of an individual, it is impossible to deduce that a person conforms completely to what a 'limited majority' may be, as some people see it through their limited experiences. Therefore, I agree with the first sentence of your comment completely and only nod slightly at the rest of your comment.

Reason being that there is a vast difference of what a person forces him or herself to do in the name of 'loyalty' and 'integrity', versus what his or her natural bodily chemicals react to. It would not be accurate to say that the lover in your life only has eyes for you in the broader sense of those words. It may be true that he has eyes only for you as you give him the most joy and refuge. However, to say at the depths of his libido, perception and natural instinct that he cannot get aroused by others or to find beauty and attraction beyond that of yourself, make him much less human and more like a script or a machine with a linear 'thought' process. Rather not thought process but more accurate 'coded' process.

In other words, he is human. People choose to stick with the ideals of 'loyalty' and 'integrity' to their varying degrees. People choose these things with some help of other emotional obligations and influences. People cannot be naturally born to completely find one person to love, be attracted to, aroused by and shut off other people in the entire universe. It is just not possible with what humans are capable of.

I neither believe you nor disbelieve you. The possibility of a man or a woman who does not look at other men and women is relative to choice and not relative natural instinct. He is what he is and you are in love with what he has chosen. He expresses to you, with what he has chosen to express coupled with influences, upbringing, knowledge, empathy, perception, awareness and so on and so forth.

Going back to your first sentence: I completely agree with that. I never believe that "EVERY" person is like everyone else. The onion layers are far too intricate than what 'most' people see from the surface.

Posted on 27 June 2009 @ 23:4 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

A slight nod? Well.. it's better than a shake, no?

Yes, of course he has found other girls attractive in his life, but he viewed them as pretty or beautiful, and without lust.

He has saved his lust for me. And now that we are together, he passes no judgement on appearances whatsoever. He does not think if the girl he sees in pretty or not, he only talks to her and is on his way. Now this took me a very long time to believe, as i was in a horrible relationship before him and had soem serious trust issues. So I have gotten my proof. When he told me that he had never seen a naked woman or even partially or anywhere near naked woman in a movie, my first thougth was "BS.."

He told me he would walk away or turn his head. That he didn't want to see what wasn't his, and that he finds the actress disgusting for appearing naked to the world. I didn't' believe him until i heard his friends making fun of him for being "gay" all his life.

That was just an example however. It really does bug me how people say ALL, EVERY, etc. Especially "every guy liks porn." That's a very common one.

Posted on 27 June 2009 @ 23:32 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Also, is there anyone on this site who doesn't have ginormous boobs???

Posted on 28 June 2009 @ 0:28 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I don't have ginormous boobs : [

Does size really matter?

Posted on 28 June 2009 @ 0:47 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Well I don't either. I was feeling like the only one here so i'm glad to have someone else.. Lol. Size does not really matter to my experience. I think to men, a boob is a boob. But still, It would be fun to have bigger ones..

Just to see how it feels.

Posted on 28 June 2009 @ 1:41 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I don't have Ginormous boobs either. Lol. But I'm fine with that :)

Posted on 28 June 2009 @ 15:3 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

It's just everytime theres a 13 year old goin crazy cuz her boobs are HUGE and they won't stop growing, you see like, 3000000 aunts pitch in with "mine are so big too!"

And it leaves me thinking..

how can all of you have big boobs. I don't. I need companionship.

Posted on 28 June 2009 @ 22:33 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Haha I see your point, but do you really want the back pain and all the guys ogling at your chest? I certainly wouldn't! I mean mine aren't small, just 'average' I guess! Your boobs are your companionship haha. Maybe we can call them our little friends? LOL.

Posted on 28 June 2009 @ 22:54 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Frankly, it's no one's damned business what size my 'girls' are! LOL But you're right...a lot of advisors like to take the opportunity to boast a bit! Check out the 'penis size' there are some hilarious, gym-dandy comments/comparisons with that topic! Why they do that...I have no idea!

Posted on 28 June 2009 @ 23:11 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Well my breasts and I are no longer speaking. We got into an arguement on account of.. they decided to get stretch marks WITHOUT EVEN GROWING. I mean, what the heck..

I'm pregnant and all, but they didn't change size.

Posted on 29 June 2009 @ 0:56 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

The reason that people don't jump in is that they are now not the norm. It goes like this:

OP: My boobs are a H and I'm only 14 years old.

Aunt 1: Yeah, it's terrible. I was like that when I was only 13.

Aunt 2: Oh, you poor thing. I'm glad that mine are only 36F.

OK, now who that is a 34B going to jump in. It's like admitting that you are not normal, at least according to the answers so far. In fact, you are the only one who is "nornal" or average.

The same goes for men, or more accurately boys:

OP: I'm 14 years old and my dick is only 7 inches long. Am I too small?

Poster 1: Yeah, you are below average. I'm 8 inches. (Editorial comment: Yeah, right!)

Poster 2: Wow, and I thought I was small at 9 inches and only 2 inches wide. (Editorial comment: Yeah, double right!)

Now what guy with an average 5.5 inch dick is going to come on and feel sorry for those guys with the dicks that scare most women away. (Editorial comment: Well, at least that's what women tell us guys who are more "normal".) :)

Posted on 29 June 2009 @ 14:16 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

OK.. so i have to wait for someone to post a question that says "I'm 22 and my boobs are nonexsistent! Will they ever grow?"

And then I can see all the small-chested aunts come out of hiding... heheher.

So answer this..

why do we hear about C cup and D cup and DD cup and when referring to smaller ones, A cup.. but no one ever talks about B cup?? heh? What about poor ol' B?

Posted on 29 June 2009 @ 17:58 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I have no idea why, since B and C seem to be the most common. Four of the 5 women who I dated years ago were B. At least they were all about the same size and I know that my wife (girlfriend then) was a B. The 5th one was like a G. Actually, I didn't date her. It was a 1 night stand.

Perhaps I do know why B and C are not the norm any more, at least in the US. It is probably because the average weight and size of people (men and women) is going up. Like way up. Last month my wife and I were in the lingerie section and the sales clerk was helping a woman. They both were saying that they were 42DD or 44DD. Seeing women while out shopping tells me that this is pretty much the norm these days. It was not 30 years ago. Men and women were both thinner in general back then. It seems like 34 and 36 were the average. Now it is 40, 42 and 44.

My wife has always been thin, but a woman who I talked to about this last year said that she is a B when thin and a D when she is like 160 pounds. When we are out shopping the thin women are mostly either A or B. No, I don't ask or measure, but the image makes me smile. :) It is just that they are like my wife or slightly smaller. Yes, there are some big busted thin women, but they are not the norm.

Posted on 29 June 2009 @ 18:59 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

thin and bigbusted strikes me as the women of the pron industry. But i don't watch it so i'm not sure.

I'm 30.. that's my rib cage and I can't help it.. I might be a 32 now? I haven't gotten measured in a while.

Can you imagine back in the day when the fattest people were the most respected because of their wealth? (fat peopel can obviously afford lots of food). I wonder what the average was then? To want to be fat so that peopel would look up to you... wow. How disgusting haha and unhealthy. I wonder also if the average age of death was lower? It makes sense..

Posted on 29 June 2009 @ 19:29 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

My wife has been 34 in the 30 years that I have known her. She has just grow a little in the past couple of years and now fits a C a little better than a B. In some ways I liked her a little better as a B, but I shouldn't go into the reasons why. :D

I consider her thin because I can see her ribs. There is very little fat there. I sometimes see big busted thin women, but it is not the norm. We were shopping yesterday and saw a couple who were as thin as her and bigger, but they were probably only a full C.

There is one beautiful woman in porn who is a natural 32D. She looks good, but much bigger and she would look mis-proportioned. There are very few like that.

It's funny about weight and wealth. We sometimes go to old mansions and see the paintings of the people who lived there. They had French chefs and were very heavy, like you said. These days it is more often than not that it is the lower income people who are the heaviest. Not because they have French chefs, but because healthy food is more expensive. I'm sure that the average life span was less back then, but a lot of that has to do with medical advances.

Posted on 29 June 2009 @ 19:52 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I find that I can be attracted to a broad range of body sizes. It all depends on the person's 'flow'. With "flow", there is shape, form and ease and within those aspects, there are many connective sub-aspects and within those sub-aspects, even more layerings.

A small woman with over-sized breasts does not flow. A small woman with large breasts is fine, if the rest of her body also ease with her shape and form. A larger woman with dime sized breasts may look off, as it does not flow the rest of her body, but...

It's difficult to explain "flow" without giving more than a few examples. ^o^

Posted on 29 June 2009 @ 19:53 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Interesting to read.. I don't know my waist size in inches or cm, but I'm a UK size 12 and a C...Which as I said, I guess I'm average :)

Posted on 29 June 2009 @ 23:15 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Those sizes SY and I are talking about are bra band sizes, not waist sizes. They are in inches. My wife is a US size 6.

Posted on 29 June 2009 @ 23:53 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I think that's a UK 8, or 10?... Damn I feel fat now lol. okay so I'm not completely happy with myself.

Posted on 30 June 2009 @ 0:24 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Yeah, I just checked and that is a UK 8. So UK 12 is US 10. US 10 is not fat. Remember that I said that I can see my wife's ribs. She is thinner than most. I bruise my head if I rest it on her shoulder too hard. :D

Posted on 30 June 2009 @ 0:45 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

OK, I just checked a couple of other women's sizes. US 10 (UK 12) is letter size M (medium) and bust size 36. Definitely not fat. 36C huh :P Check here:

Posted on 30 June 2009 @ 0:52 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Nope! Am 34

Posted on 30 June 2009 @ 7:37 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

woo. amazing how long fairly sifistocated people can talk about boobs..

Posted on 30 June 2009 @ 19:8 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

You mean there's something more important?

Posted on 30 June 2009 @ 20:1 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Haha I wouldn't say I was sophisticated :) but yeah, tut tut to us for talking about the B word :)

Posted on 30 June 2009 @ 20:14 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Yes.. i just had a baby !

Now there's a whole new boob topic.. ouch this hurts!

Posted on 4 July 2009 @ 5:10 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Congratulations! Boy or girl? :)

Posted on 4 July 2009 @ 16:3 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Congratulations SY. :) :) :)

Posted on 4 July 2009 @ 22:23 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

beautiful little girl with daddy's big lips!

Thanks guys!

Posted on 5 July 2009 @ 2:3 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl.


Posted on 6 July 2009 @ 18:46 (London time) - permalink
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SkellingtonSkellington, posted over a year ago

Don't know.

Me and my girlfriend are an odd couple...we both look at other girls!

Posted on 7 July 2009 @ 14:27 (London time) - permalink
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