love_and_other catastrophes, posted
over a year ago
You kinda need to get over it. easier said than done i know...but i've been on the other end (not saying its right and our circumstances are most likely different)..but in my case i know what i did was wrong and unacceptable, and i havent done it ever again and i've also refused to touch alcohol for like..the rest of my life.
But if he's learned what he did was wrong and doesnt do it again, then i think you should move on. using it as a weapon and getting angry at him for it 4 months down the track is only making you both upset. my bf uses old stuff against me sometimes when we get into an arguement and it really gets upsetting, you cant change whats happened so no point in making each other feel like crap about it.
As a rule i never bring up old stuff nor do i over react, i try to look at what the problem is exactly and i try not to blow it out of proportion. It was probably hard for him to deal with as well. Like i said, easier said than done but it's not worth letting yourself get upset over, if he does it continuously then yeah good reason to keep being mad. but if its just once..try to let it go.
Posted on 28 April 2009 @ 10:34 (London time) - permalink
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